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Basham b. Alison Bashford c. Majumdar d. Satish Chandra. The book was aimed at a western audience. Who among the following historian has attempted to write history on the basis of genealogies of various dynasties given in Puranas?

Many historians like F. Pargitar and H. Raychaudhury have attempted to write history on the basis of genealogies of various dynasties given in Puranas. The study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history called Geneology. The Greek ambassador Megasthenese was in the court of which one of the following rulers? The Greek ambassador Megasthenese in the court of Chandragupta Maurya c. Who among the following have written the metrical legendary and historical chronicle of the north-western Indian subcontinent, Rajatarangini?

Kalhana's Rajatarangini is one of the works of history which is indeed a solitary example of its kind written between and It enjoys great respect among the historians for its approach and historical content.

Megasthenese wrote extensively in a book called 'Indica' which is no longer available to us. Megasthenese's writings could be seen through various extracts in the writings of Diodorous, Straboand Arrian. Megasthenese mentions that Indian society comprised of seven castes jatis. The discrepancies in Megasthenese's works seem to be because of his lack of knowledge of any Indian language and being not part of Indian society and psyche.

Al- Biruni was the contemporary of which of the following Indian rulers? Al-Biruni was born in central Asia in A. He was one of the greatest scholars of his time and a contemporary of Mahmud of Ghazni. When Mahmud conquered part of central Asia, he took Al-Beruni with him. Though Al-Beruni deplored his loss of freedom, he appreciated the favourable circumstances for his work.

Who among the following scholars is not associated with the British East Indian Company? Many scholars like John Holwell, Nanthaniel Halhed, and Alexander Dow - all associated in various capacities with the British East India Company - wrote about Indian history and culture proving the pre-eminence of Indian civilization in the ancient world. Consider the following statement regarding the writing of John Holwell who described the immense antiquity of human race on the basis of Puranic sources:.

Holwell wrote that Hindu texts contained a higher revelation than the Christian one and they pre-dated the flood described in the Old Testament. He discussed the vast periods of time of human history assigned to four Yugas and concluded that human reason can no more reconcile to itself the idea of Patriarchal longevity of few thousand years for the entire span of human race.

The second statement is true for Halhed who discussed the vast periods of time of human history assigned to four Yugas and concluded that human reason can no more reconcile to itself the idea of Patriarchal longevity of few thousand years for the entire span of human race.

Who among the following scholars had viewed India as the homeland of religion in its oldest and purest form; and also as the cradle of worldly civilisations? The great intellectual and statesman, Voltaire viewed India as the homeland of religion in its oldest and purest form; and also as the cradle of worldly civilizations.

Voltaire was convinced of the priority of Indian achievement in the area of secular learning and worldly culture. Who among the following scholars wrote "Their religion has a great purity He also declared that Indian religious thoughts were free of dogmatism and intolerance. Emannual Kant is known for his major work Critique of Pure Reason. In which of the following years the Asiatic Society of Bengal was established? At the time of its foundation, this Society was named as "Asiatick Society".

In , the society dropped the antique k without any formal resolution and the Society was renamed as "The Asiatic Society". Who among the following historians prepared the first systematic history of ancient India? The most prominent among the twentieth century historians belonging to the imperialist school of thought was Vincent Arthur Smith who prepared the first systematic history of ancient India published in Who among the following has edited the Sacred Books of the East?

James Mill. Following in the footsteps of James Mill, V. As a loyal member of the civil service he emphasized the role of foreigners in ancient India.

Alexander's invasion accounted for almost one-third of his book. The book Hindu Polity is considered as one of the most important book ever written on ancient Indian history. In his book Hindu Polity, published in , Jayaswal effectively knocked down the myth that Indians had no political ideas and institutions. His study of literary and epigraphical sources showed that India was not a despotic country as propagated by the imperialist historians. Beside the hereditary kingship, India had the tradition of republics right from Rigvedic times.

He also convincingly showed that contrary to the views of British historians, Indian polity and art of governance was far more developed than that of any other part of contemporary world. Raychaudhury in his book Political History of Ancient India reconstructed the history of ancient India from the time of Mahabharata war to the time of Gupta Empire and practically cleared the clouds created by V.

Who among the following historians does not belong to the Marxist School of Thought? Kosambi can be called the first among the pioneers of Marxist school of thought. Chanana, R. Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis, originating from the mid-to-late 19th century works of German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that analyzes class relations and societal conflict using a materialist interpretation of historical development and a dialectical view of social transformation.

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