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Substitution Method (Definition & Steps for Solving Linear Equation)

Simultaneous equations and linear equations, after studying this section, you will be able to:. The video mathematocs works through examples of simultaneous equations. The step-by-step example shows how to group like terms and then add or subtract to remove one of the unknowns, mathematics simultaneous equations pdf query leave equaations unknown to be solved.

This method is called solution by substitution. This gives an equation with just one unknown, which can be solved in the usual way. This value is then substituted in one or other of the Mathematics Simultaneous Equations Pdf Jpg original equations, giving an equation with one unknown. NOTE:With this method you need to take particular care with your algebra.

Solve the two simultaneous equations:. Substituting this value mathematics simultaneous equations pdf query y into [1] gives:.

The second method is called solution by elimination. NOTE:The method is not quite as hard as it first seems, but it helps if you know why it works. Here we will manipulate one of the equations so that when it is combined with the other equation either the x or y terms will drop. In this example the x term will matheatics out giving a solution for y. This is then substituted mathemtaics mathematics simultaneous equations pdf query of the otiginal equations.

Label your equations so you know which one your are working with at mathematics simultaneous equations pdf query stage. Rearrange one equation so it is similar to the. Solving simultaneous linear sumultaneous using straight line graphs. Note: Only draw a graph if the question asks you to, it is usually quicker to work pddf the point two simultaneous equtions cross algebraically.

Click here for more on solving equations. Skip to main content. Search form. Sign up Log in. Choose the one that is easiest!

As a check, substitute the values back into each of the two starting equations. It works because of two properties of equations: Multiplying or dividing the expression matjematics each side by the same number does not alter the equation.

Adding two equations produces another valid equation: e. There is only one point the two equations cross.

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