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Class 10 Civics NCERT Books PDF

Democracy is always preferable and superior to any other form of government nvert of the following reasons: i Democracy promotes equality among citizens.

Common features in all the democratic set-ups are: ncerh Elections are held at regular intervals and are free and fair. Democracy is based on political equality.

All individuals have equal right in electing Ncert Book For Class 10th Pdf 12 representatives. Parallel to the process of bringing individuals into the political arena on an equal footing, find growing economic inequalities. A few number of rich enjoy ediyor highly disproportionate share of wealth and incomes. Not only that their share in the total income of the country has been increasing.

Those at the bottom 10th civics ncert pdf editor the society have very little to depend. Their incomes have been declining and sometimes they find it difficult to meet their editr needs of life such as food, clothing, house, education and health.

Merits: i There civis no competing political parties. Which ensures stability in the government. This brings speed and efficiency in the. This enables them to take quick and decisive decisions. Demerits: i Suppression of esitor Liberties. The people are not allowed to disagree with the policies and programs of the government. The dictators can go to any extent to remain in the power.

Sovereignty: Supreme power of the state to take decisions in the internal as well as external matters. Democracy: Democracy is a government in which everyone has a share. Accountability: The responsibility or obligation of government officials to act in the best interests of people or society.

Dictatorship: An autocratic form of absolute rule by leadership unrestricted by law, constitution or other social and political factors.

By-elections: Special elections to 10th civics ncert pdf editor seats rendered vacant during the running term by death, resignation or disqualification. Legitimate Government: A government under which law and action of the government are revealed to the people and editlr function in transparent manner. What is meant by Ballot?

In Which South Asian country is dictatorship preferred over democracy? What does mean transparency? Which South Asian country has always had a democratic government since independence? Why is there a delay in decision-making and implementation in a democracy? Which aspect of democracy describes 10th civics ncert pdf editor it is a government run by the consent of the people? Which form of government stands much superior in promoting 110th and freedom of the individual?

Decisions taken by which type of government are likely to be more acceptable to the people and more effective? Which South Asian country remains least doubtful about the suitability of democracy esitor its country?

The editoor on which the names of the candidates who are contesting elections for a particular office are printed and the voters indicate their choice for a particular candidate. Pakistan 3. Right to examine decision making Trigonometry Class 10th Ncert Pdf Write process.

India 5. Civice 10th civics ncert pdf editor based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation. Political Aspect 7. Democratic form of government. Democratic government. India Abraham Lincoln. Accountable, responsive and legitimate government with Economic growth and development, Reduction of inequality and poverty, Accommodation of social diversity and 10th civics ncert pdf editor ncerf freedom of the citizens.

How are democratic governments better than other forms of governments? What are the main features that are common in all democratic set-ups of the governments? What is the main outcome of democracy with reference to cicics of inequality and poverty? What are the merits and demerits each of dictatorship? Important Questions on Class 10 Civics 10th civics ncert pdf editor 7 How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and 10th civics ncert pdf editor government?

Democracy produces an accountable, responsive and legitimate government by giving the citizen the right to examine the process by which decisions are. These decisions are made according to norms and procedures which make the decisions more acceptable to the people. Added to this is the basic fact that in a democracy, the people have a right to elect their own government, and the candidate which is elected is thought to be capable enough to fulfil the demands of the people.

What are the 10th civics ncert pdf editor under which democracies accommodate social diversities? Democracies accommodate social diversities when it is well understood that democracy is not just the rule of the majority, and that the rule of the clvics is not just the rule of a single religious or social community. Why can Industrialised countries afford democracy but the poor need dictatorship to become rich?

Industrialised countries can afford democracy but the poor need dictatorship to become nceft. This statement is incorrect as can be cjvics from the examples of India and Zimbabwe.

InIndia was included in the Third World nations, but now, deitor is one of the fast-growing economies in the world. Give reason. This statement is incorrect. The Minimum Wages Act enacted by the government and other policies which regulate 10th civics ncert pdf editor basic price at which agricultural 110th and small industries sell their goods, have helped increase the per capita income of the country, thereby making its citizens more prosperous.

Why should Government in poor countries spend less on poverty reduction, health, education and spend more on industries and infrastructure. Government in poor 10th civics ncert pdf editor should spend less on poverty reduction, health, education and spend more on industries and infrastructure.

This is not a Ncert Solutions Class 10th Kartoos Pdf wise option as in poor countries, the people cannot afford health and education services. In democracy all citizens have one vote, which means that civixs is absence of any domination and conflict. This is not true as conflict can be eliminated only in an ideal situation. In real democracies, though every person has one vote, there are divisions among the people.

These divisions lead to conflict.


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Look at the syllabus for Class 10 and download the latest book for the topics which you have studied today. Doing this will support in understanding of each topic. The study material for Class 10 for Civics has been made by experienced teachers of leading schools in India is available for free download in pdf only on StudiesToday.

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It will be highly useful to Revised date sheet for Class 12 - scroll down for datesheet for class 10 Revised datesheet for Class SOF is the educational foundation involved in the academic upgradation of students. This Olympiad is a maths competitive examination conducted for the aspiring It is an Academic Institution assisting educational based competition and enhancing competitive spirit among 10th Civics Ncert Pdf Android the School- Level students.

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