A Motorboat Whose Speed Is 15,Fishing Boats For Sale Lake Erie Zip,Concise Mathematics Class 10 Icse Solutions Chapter 5 Res,Xtaero Aluminum Boats Co. Ltd - PDF 2021

27.11.2020, admin
[SOLVED] A motor boat, whose speed is 15 km/hour in still water goes 30 km - Self Study
A motorboat whose speed A boat covers a distance of.. A man rows a boat at a A motorboat whose speed is 15 km/hr in still water goes 30km downstream and comes back in four and a half hours. The speed of the stream is? Home Interview Aptitude Boats and Streams A motorboat whose speed is 15 km/hr in still water goes 30km downstream and comes back in four and a half hours � Then, Speed Bass Tracker Pro 160 Top Speed 90 downstream = (15 + x) km/hr Speed upstream = (15 - x) km/hr. We know from question that it took 4(1/2)hrs to travel back to same point. So, (30/15 + x) + (30/15 ? x) = 4(1/2) => / ? x 2 = 9/2 => 9x 2 = => x = 5km/hr. A boat whose speed is 15 km/hr in still water goes 30 km downstream and comes back in total of 4 hours 30 mins. What is the A Motorboat Whose Speed In Still Water Is Good speed of the stream? I�m somewhat surprised that a physics question is talking about speed instead of velocity!� Hence, For Up stream,speed of motorboat =V, where V is the velocity of the stream. Given, Total time taken to go 40km for in direction of downstream and come back in 4hr and 20 minutes. It means total distance covered in 4hr and 20 minutes is 80km. A motorboat, whose speed in 15 km/hr in still water goes 30 km downstream and comes back in a total of A Motorboat Whose Speed In Still Water Is Visible 4 hours 30 minutes. The speed of the stream (in km/hr) is: A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 1. Asked In Bank Exam jai Narayan Mishra (9 years ago). Unsolved Read Solution (2). Is this Puzzle helpful? (14) (4) Submit Your Solution. Advertisements.

Users Also Read. View Answer 1 Explanation:- Answer : B Discuss it below :. If the speed of a stream is 2. If in each case he takes 4 hours, then the speed of the current is 3 kmph 1. If the velocity of current is 1 kmph and it takes him 1 hour to row to a place and come back, how far is the place? What is the speed of the current? If the speed of the boat in still water is 10mph, the speed of the stream is : 2 mph 2. If the speed of the boat in still water is 9 kmph, find the rate of current.

If the speed of the stream is 3. What is the speed of the boat in still water? If the speed of the boat in still water is 10 mph, the speed of the stream is : 2 mph 2. A man rows to a place at a distance of It takes the same time to travel 15 km downstream.

Find the speed of the stream. The time taken for the entire journey is 5 hours. The upstream speed and downstream speed are in the ratio of If the upstream speed of the boat is 7 kmph, find the speed of the stream. He finds that he can row 4 km with the stream in the same time as 3 km against the stream. If the speed of the stream is 3 kmph, find the speed of the boat. The velocity of the sream is 1. But if he could double his usual rowing rate for his mile round trip, the dtownstream 12 miles would then take only one hour less than the upstream 12 miles.

What is the speed of the current in miles per hour? The boat travels to an island at a distance of 30 km, stays there for 2 hours and returns to the starting point at pm. At what time did the boat start to the island? Find the time taken by him to cover a distance A Motorboat Whose Speed In Still Water Is An of 40 km in still water.

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