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Maths Byjus Class 4 Maths Question Paper Key Question & Answers - Clear All Your Maths Doubts Now!

Courses Mathematics - Class 4. Indian and International Place Value Chart. Write the number name according to the Indian place value chart. Write the number name vlass to the Qquestion place byjus class 4 maths question paper data chart. Write in byjus class 4 maths question paper data. Write the face value and place value of the underline digit in each of the following.

Write the place value of both 6s in number 26, 57, Find the sum of the place values. Find the difference of the place value. Page: 1 Files: 3. Comparing and Ordering of Numbers. What is decreasing order? How do you compare and order numbers? What is ascending order? How do you put numbers in order from least to greatest?

Page: 1 File: 1. Predecessor and Successor. What is the meaning of predecessor and successor? Smallest and Greatest Number. Write the greatest 5 digit number using the digits 6, 3, 9, 7 and 0.

Write the smallest 6 digit number using the digits 4, 3, 0, 7, 1 and 9. Write the greatest 6 digit number using the digits Byjus Maths Class 9 Question Paper Ltd 4, 5, 0, 7, 1 and 2. Write any 6 digit number and reverse the number and then amths out which of the two numbers is greater.

Write greatest 5 digit number without repeating any digit. Lesson on Fraction for class IV, Whole, What is fraction, Numerator of fraction, Denominator of fraction, Quarter of a circle, Half, One-third, Fraction worksheet PDF for class 4, Quiz on fraction, You Tube Video on Fraction for 4rth standard, Number written above the line in a fraction is mats denominator, Number written below the line in a fraction is called numerator, Write the numerator and denominator for the fraction.

Equivalent Fractions. Write the next 3 equivalent fraction of the number. Are these fractions equivalent? Write the missing numerator or denominator in the equivalent fractions. How do you figure out equivalent fractions? Like byjus class 4 maths question paper data Unlike Fractions.

Circle the like fractions, Circle the unlike fractions, Change unlike fractions into like fractions. Compare like fractions. Proper, Improper, Unit and Mixed Fractions. Rewriting mixed numbers as improper fractions,Rewrite mixed numbers and improper fractions, Improper fraction, Unit fraction, Mixed fraction for class IV, How do you change an improper fraction as a mixed number?

Lesson on Proper fraction, Improper fraction, Byjus class 4 maths question paper data fraction, Mixed fraction for class IV, Changing a mixed fraction to improper fraction for class 4, How to change a mixed fraction to improper fractions, Comparing mixed and improper fraction for 4rth grade, How to compare matgs mixed fractions, Worksheet PDF based on proper, improper, Mixed and unit fraction, Quiz on proper, Unit byjus class 4 maths question paper data mixed fraction, Circle the proper fractions.

Circle the improper fractions, Circle the unit fractions. Fraction whose numerator is less than its denominator qeustion called Proper fraction.

Proper fraction is always less than a. Fraction whose numerator is more than or equal to its denominator is byjus class 4 maths question paper data Improper fraction.

A fraction with numerator 1 is called Unit fraction. Calss made up of a whole number and a proper number is called Mixed fraction. Addition of Like Fractions. Lesson on Adding like fractions for class 4, How do you add fractions together? Simplifying fractions, Add numerators and write over the common denominator, Write in simplest form or mixed fraction, Worksheet PDF on addition of like fractions for 4rth standard, Quiz on addition of like fractions, Practice page on adding fractions.

Addition of Unlike Fractions. Lesson on Addition of unlike fractions for 4rth standardHow do you add fractions together? Adding unlike fraction for class IV, Quiz on unlike fractions, Steps to add unlike fractions, How to add unlike fraction.

Subtraction of Like Fractions. Subtraction of Unlike Fractions. Lesson on Subtraction Of Unlike Fraction, Step to find difference of unlike fractions for class 4, Difference of unlike fractions worksheet PDF, How to daga unlike fractions, Practice page on subtraction of byus fractions.

Properties of Addition and Subtraction of Fractional Numbers. Data Handling. When we represent numerical data through pictures or graph, it is termed as pictorial representation of data. Representing numerical data by dividing a circle into slices or sectors is called pie quuestion or pie graph or circle graph. Bar graph is the simplest form of representing data by displaying rectangular bars of different heights proportional to the value they represent.

Basic Geometrical Concepts. Identify faces of three-dimensional figures. Lesson on Naming angles for class 4, Vertex, Arms, Angles, Exterior of an angle, Interior of an angle, Angle basics and naming angle worksheet PDF, Angle basics and naming angle practice page for 4rth standard, How do you label an angle?

Quiz on angle basics and naming angle for fourth grade, Angle is formed when two rays or two line segments are joined with a common end point. Vertex: Common end point where two arms meet is called vertex of an angle. Arms: Two rays or line segments forming an angle are called arms. We can name angle as angle Byjus class 4 maths question paper data or angle Y.

Kind of Angles. Points on the border of the circle are byjus class 4 maths question paper data from the center of the circle. What is a radius, Define radius, Radius is any line segment from center to the edge of the circle. Define arc, What is a diameter, Line segment joining any two points on the edge of the circle is called chord. Area Square, Rectangle and Irregular Shape. The garden is 70 m byjus class 4 maths question paper data and 50 m wide.

A square wall is to be painted. Its side is cm. Find the area to be painted. Page: 1 Files: 2. Perimeter Square, Rectangle, Triangle and Rectilinear figure. Find out length wire needed to put a boundary round a square byjus class 4 maths question paper data. Write the first two common multiples of 5 and 6, Circle the multiple of 4, Which of the following numbers have 63 as a multiple?

Circle the pair whose first number is multiple of second. Divisibility Test. Which number is divisible by 2? Which number is divisible by 3? Which number is divisible by 4? Which number is divisible by 5?

Which number is divisible by 6? Which number is divisible by 8? Which number is divisible by 9? Which number is divisible by 10? Pa;er number is divisible by 11? Highest Common Factor. Determine the HCF of the pairs by finding factors. Find the HCF by prime factorization method. Find HCF by division method.

Find the least number that divides 10, 16 and Decimals and Decimal Place Value Chart. Find the least number that divides 10, 16 and 18, Write the shaded portion as fractions and decimal fractions. Reading and Writing Decimal Fractions. Write as decimals, Write as fractions. Write the number names for decimal fraction.

Expanded Form of Decimals. Show the decimals in decimal place value chart.

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