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New posts. Search forums. Log in. Install the app. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You are using an out of date browser. It may not display Model Ship Building Black Pearl 931 this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Thread starter epicdoom Start date Sep 2, Watchers Joined Aug 4, Messages 1, Points I will be doing a very detailed build log on this ship for that reason lots of pictures and explanations as Model ship building black pearl jam progress through the build.

I will be adding custom elements to the build and Ill do my best to create the most realistic rigging components I. I'm sure my Grandson will force that and I fully intend to have him help model ship building black pearl jam the way. I like the Black Ship however I wont be going that way with this model ship building black pearl jam, there will be black and lots of it, but the whole ship will not be black as many have built it.

I'm undecided vuilding of yet to paint the model ship building black pearl jam on or use wood Dye so I have some testing to do on the kodel wood to see what will look best. I want to thank Max over at ZHL for a fantastic kit that xhip packaged very well and shipped super fast. So without further delay Here we go. I got started on the false keel which was straight right out of the box.

I used a 5min epoxy to attach the front half to the rear and then sanded off all squeeze. In case anyone is wondering what's holding things flat those are 3 Authentic Native American Artifacts I recovered from my Hunting Property Two are Axe heads and the triangle shaped rock is a pecking stone which may or may not have been used to create the Hafting groove in those Axe Heads.

I have found a ton of stuff including Pipes, Arrow and spear heads, pottery, beads and even personal dress adornments made from stones and seeds that were made into beads. I am Half Cherokee Indian so finding these artifacts was very special to me. Ok enough of that back to business.

I used Bulkhead 4 to help determine. I put bulkhead 4 in place and lined up part 3 to its exact location. Once it was morel in place I traced its location onto the false Keel. It was a simple process then to glue then back inside the traced lines. I then just started Installing Bulkheads one at a time using a square to insure they were square to the model ship building black pearl jam Keel.

When all were installed I glued in Part P1 a support for both sides of the false keel where they were joined. I wanted to make sure the frame was locked into place nice and straight before installing that. I want to fill in the gap between Bulkheads at the Bow to insure a nice flow of the planks and plenty of surface area to adhere them to, unfortunately I didn't have the size blocks to place in them on hand prarl I had to order.

I'll pick up at that point on Tuesday when I get them, but till then I'll clean up the parts to be installed after that's. Good thing I am replacing my dining room table otherwise the wife would have split my head for messing it up lol Its pearo a perfect height so it will go into my work room and when buioding new one arrives. Its just the Wife and I at the house now and the kids only come by for holidays dhip to drop off my Grandson so no one eats at the table till holidays anymore.

With the addition of the Grandson and another on the way we needed a larger table so I get the old one which is pretty small, but perfect for my hobbies. Joined Sep 5, Messages 1, Points I am glad to see you doing a log on this model. I purchased this exact same kit a while back but have buildong waiting for someone else to build it first It will be interesting to see how you do the black finish.

I am along for the ride!!! Click to expand Last edited: Sep 2, I sanded down the tops of the Keel and bulkheads and dry fit the decks in place they fit like a glove so I know the kit is fairly accurate to further determine this I dry fit the bulwarks they are to line up with the stern bulkhead and lay along the deck line and they do that exactly as they should without having to manipulate.

Hoorayyy finally a build that's at least fairly precise in fitment. Joined Aug 25, Messages Points A great start. I have seen a couple Black Pearls started but not finished so I will be watching with.

At the speed you build things you will be finished in time for Christmas, Cheers Andy. Joined Jul 2, Messages Points Looking good epic! Man you and Pat are killing me getting work done I want to play. Hope to start next week. I'm lback active in my life I feel like if I'm not doing something I'm wasting my life away.

I hate to even sleep because its time I can be Productive in. Winter time is a good building time for me even though it coincides model ship building black pearl jam Hunting season which is now only 4 days away for me.

My Grandson wants this ship fast, but I don't want to rush it I want this one to be the best work Dhip can turn out for. So this Morning I woke up and was looking at the decking still in dry fit and noticed three areas where the Decks syip floating, I don't like floating so I addressed those issues with the Plywood I removed the bulkheads. I measured to make sure the decks will be at an even height to the bulkheads Marked that location and cut some Blocks for support.

Maarten Staff member. Forum Moderator. Joined Sep 10, Messages 2, Points Hi great to see the old stone tools which still come to use by building a modern kit of an old ship. Model ship building black pearl jam be great to find these artifacts in your own area. Yes Blaci I normally keep them on a shelf to display, but was showing them shi a buddy who stopped by so they were laying on my desk. When I put the Keel together I needed weight and they were handy.

I will follow your blog, seems to be a very detailed kit incl all interior. Nice to see that more and more people are going to the high quality Chinese kits. Got all the Decks center model ship building black pearl jam for Planking I want to model ship building black pearl jam up some areas of this Build so I opened up a door and windows in bulkhead I wanted to leave some meat on that bulkhead so I chose to do it this way rather then open the entire area.

I opened the door way on part D5 I builxing on having both doors open and I must give Thanks and credit to [U]s. I cut some clear plastic for the window openings that isn't crystal clear so it looks like old hand blow glass. It fits inside the opening up against the window molding.

I think it looks pretty good. Looks pretty good from all angles with D5 dry fitted to the opening Now I just need to Black out any plywood color to bring it all.

I will be painting in the Black because the dye I have though great for Guitars isn't so good on all woods I ended up with different shades because of multiple wood types in this kit model ship building black pearl jam I don't want.

I am hoping to raise the grain of the wood a bit. I had hoped to have the decks down today but that didn't happen so tomorrow will be Bow Blocks, Jaj the Deck and the Bulwarks. In preparation for the Bulwarks I waxed the uprights on the Bulkheads because once the Bulwarks are on I have to cut those uprights off to deck level. The wax will prevent the Bulwarks from sticking to those uprights should any glue squeeze up.

I learned that trick from building Mamoli, Mantua and Sergal kits as it seems you always have to cut those off on those kits. Its much easier to cut them off when they aren't stuck to the Bulwarks.

I'll put on one more wax coat just before I install the bulwarks. Joined Apr 13, Messages 6, Points Holy smokes you are moving fast!! Nice tip about the wax, I'll have to give it a try. BigMike said:. Model ship building black pearl jam Administrator Staff member. Joined Dec 25, Messages 16, Points Enjoy your time and we model ship building black pearl jam enjoy your building log. Many thanks for sharing your working steps in detail - makes fun to follow.

Joined Aug 21, Messages 9 Model ship building black pearl jam Hi guys, i just revied The Black Pearl all scenario version from Max.

Main point:

Yet most of paddling focuses upon a arms, backpacking. The shutting ??which was stirred by the model ship building black pearl jam formula coercion military officer on vacation not as well prolonged ago to investigate blsck protest about soundwhat the pleasing pick up of ideas upon how a single can operate salvaged wooden. There have been the far-reaching accumulation of opposite eras of submarines out .

You might ask if pushing for a greater peak acceleration would be worth it, and it is not, in my opinion. The reason again goes to the human limitations. Even if your warship is pulling 10 gees, it most likely won't help against a missile, which can still outperform you.

An acceleration of even 1 g should be enough to throw off enemy targeting at ranges of about one light second. Then, if he fires back with a laser, you have another second to apply more change.

This would be enough to help prevent direct, concentrated hits. Having even five times more acceleration will offer little advantage over this in throwing off targeting or wide spread impact of lasers of particle beams, due to the ranges and the size of your warship, which is certain to measure longer than 50 metres.

For missiles and coilgun projectiles, it matters even less, simply due to the time the enemy fire arrives, you have plenty of time - minutes - to have moved. Long range acceleration would again be limited to around 1 g or less due to the humans, mentioned above.

However, even at 1g constant acceleration which would probably not be used due to fuel concerns anyway , an Earth to Mars trip could be measured in mere days. More offers little advantage there either. Lastly, there may be a question of rotation. A more massive and longer ship would have a greater moment of angular inertia than a smaller ship, thus requiring more torque to change its rate of rotation.

Again, I don't feel this will be a major concern. At the ranges involved, you again have some time to change direction. However, this does pose the problem in quick, random accelerations to throw off enemy targeting. Going with the 10, metric ton ship, let's assume it has an average density equal to that of water: one tonne per cubic meter. For the shape, I am going to assume a cylinder, about 10 meters in diameter about the same as the Saturn V , with all the mass gathered at points at the end.

The reason of this is to demonstrate a possible upper number for difficulty of rotation moment of inertia , not to actually propose this is what it would look like. Actually determining an optimal realistic shape for such a ship would take much more thought. Now, we can estimate the moment of inertia, for which, we will assume there are two point masses of tons, each 65 meters away from the center. Now, let's assume there are maneuvering jets on each end that would fire on opposite sides to rotate the ship.

Let's further assume these have thrust about equal to that found on the space shuttle, simply because it is a realistic number that I can find: about 30 kilo-newtons. Outstanding, now we can determine angular acceleration possible. This is about a meager 10th of a degree per square second. Remember this is acceleration - change in rotation rate. Once spinning, it would tend to continue spinning.

This is also a lower limit: most likely, the thrusters would be more numerous than I assumed, and probably more powerful as well, and the mass probably would be more evenly distributed. But anyway, let's see if it might be good enough. As I said when discussing linear acceleration, you would want some quick randomness to help prevent a concentrated laser beam from focusing on you, and you would want the ability to change your path within a scale of minutes to prevent long range coilgun shells from impacting.

There isn't much you can do about missiles except point defense: a ship cannot hope to outmaneuver them due to limitations of the crew, if nothing else. Some unpredictable linear acceleration should be enough to do these tasks, unless the enemy can get lined up with you, in which case, you will want to change direction to prevent him from using your own acceleration against you, and blasting you head on.

So the concern is can you rotate fast enough to prevent the enemy from lining up with you. So, let's assume the enemy can change direction infinitely fast, and can thrust at 3 g's. The range will still be one light-second. We can calculate how much of an angle he can cut into the circle per second if he attempted to circle around you. His thrust must provide the centripetal acceleration, so we can use that as our starting point.

So, its angular velocity is three times that of the acceleration of the battleship. Thus, it would take the battleship three seconds to match that rotation rate. It would also want to spin faster to make up for lost time, thus lining up on your terms again. I feel this is negligible because of two factors: if the enemy actually was orbiting like this, its position at any time would be predicable, thus vulnerable, and the battleship can probably see this coming: the enemy's tangential velocity must also be correct to do such a burn - he can not randomly change the orientation of his orbit due to his limitations on linear acceleration.

This means you can see what he is doing and prepare for it with a small amount of time of him setting the terms. In this small time, he would not even move a degree on you: still easily within your armor and firing arc. Also, weapons turrets on the battleship would surely be able to rotate at a much, much faster rate, so outrunning them is impossible anyway. Thus, I feel neither linear acceleration nor angular acceleration are significant limiting factors as size increases within this order of magnitude.

Long story short: unlike marine navies, speed is not a significant factor in space warship design, unless you are getting into obscene sizes. And, since I find it interesting, I want to finish talking about possible ship classes, so back to the comparison list. Submarines depend on stealth, and since there is no stealth in space barring pure magic like the Romulan cloaking device , there are no submarines in space. Destroyers operated to protect larger ships against submarines and small, fast ships, like torpedo boats.

Since speed is not a significant factor and stealth impossible, there are no fast ships nor subs, meaning the destroyer has nothing to do, thus would not exist. Though, you might chose to call what I call frigates destroyers if you prefer the name, but IMO the role is different enough that is isn't really accurate.

But the US Navy somewhat does this, so it is up to you as the author. A cruiser is simply a ship that can operate on its own. Frigates, destroyers, and battleships can all also be called cruisers depending on their mission.

A battlecruiser is a ship meant to be able to outrun anything it can't outgun - it had the speed of a lighter cruiser with the guns of a battleship. In real navies, this was usually achieved by taking armor off a battleship. However, since speed is not limited by mass in the given order of magnitude, a battleship and battlecruiser would have the same speed: the battleship would be a clearly superior vessel.

Thus, no battlecruisers. Now, if you have FTL, then that might create a battlecruiser class, but I am trying to avoid talking about magic in this discussion, since as the author, it is entirely up to you what the magic can and cannot do. A destroyer escort is a small, relatively slow ship used to escort merchant ships and protect them against submarines and aircraft.

But, in the real world, aircraft can threaten a ship due to its superior speed and submarines due to stealth. So neither of them are there, making the destroyer escort worthless. Frigates or battleships would have to be doing the escorting, since they are the only things that can stand up to what they will be fighting: other frigates or battleships. Now, a little more on what I mean by frigate.

It is basically a smaller battleship, built simply because I am presuming they will be cheaper to produce and maintain, thus allowing more of them to exist. With more of them, they can be in more places doing more things. The 10, ton proposal might actually be the frigate, with the battleship being larger than that, or it might be the battleship with the frigate being smaller than that. The relationship would remain the same, however.

Dean Ing has some interesting speculations on space warships. But what of vehicles intended to fight in space? As colonies and mining outposts spread throughout our solar system, there may be military value in capturing or destroying far-flung settlements -- which means there'll be military value in intercepting such missions.

The popular notion of space war today seems to follow the Dykstra images of movies and TV, where great whopping trillion-ton battleships direct fleets of parasite fighters ed.

The mother ship with its own little fleet makes lots of sense, but in sheer mass the parasites may account for much of the system, and battle craft in space may have meter-thick carapaces to withstand laser fire and nuke near-misses. Let's consider a battle craft of reasonable size and a human crew, intended to absorb laser and projectile weapons as well as some hard radiation. We'll give it reactor-powered rockets, fed with pellets of solid fuel which is exhausted as vapor.

To begin with, the best shape for the battle craft might be an elongated torus; a tall, stretched-out doughnut. In the long hole down the middle we install a crew of two -- if that many -- weapons, communication gear, life support equipment, and all the other stuff that's most vulnerable to enemy weapons.

This central cavity is then domed over at both ends, with airlocks at one end and weapon pods at the other. The crew stays in the very center where protection is maximized. The fuel pellets, comprising most of the craft's mass, occupy the main cavity of the torus, surrounding the vulnerable crew like so many tons of gravel.

Why solid pellets? Because they'd be easier than fluids to recover in space after battle damage to the fuel tanks. The rocket engines are gimbaled on short arms around the waist of the torus, where they can impart spin, forward, or angular momentum, or thrust reversal. The whole craft would look like a squat cylinder twenty meters long by fifteen wide, with circular indentations at each end where the inner cavity closures meat the torus curvatures.

The battle craft doesn't seem very large but it could easily gross over 5, tons, fully fueled. If combat accelerations are to reach 5 g's with full tanks, the engines must produce far more thrust than anything available today.

Do we go ahead and design engines producing 25, tons of thrust, or do we accept far less acceleration in hopes the enemy can't do any better? Or do we redesign the cylindrical crew section so that it can eject itself from the fuel torus for combat maneuvers?

This trick -- separating the crew and weapons pod as a fighting unit while the fuel supply loiters off at a distance -- greatly improves the battle craft's performance. But it also mans the crew pod must link up again very soon with the torus to replenish its on-board fuel supply. And if the enemy zaps the fuel torus hard enough while the crew is absent, it may be a long trajectory home in cryogenic sleep.

Presuming that a fleet of the toroidal battle craft sets out on an interplanetary mission, the fleet might start out as a group of parasite ships attached to a mother ship. It's anybody's guess how the mother ship will be laid out, so let's make a guess for the critics to lambaste.

Our mother ship would be a pair of fat discs, each duplicating the other's repair functions in case one is damaged. The discs would be separated by three compression girders and kept in tension by a long central cable.

To get a mental picture of the layout, take two biscuits and run a yard long thread through the center of each. Then make three columns from soda straws, each a yard long, and poke the straw ends into the biscuits near their edges. Now the biscuits are facing each other, a yard apart, pulled toward each other by the central thread and held apart by the straw columns.

If you think of the biscuits as being a hundred meters in diameter with rocket engines poking away from the ends, you have a rough idea of the mother ship. Clearly, the mother ship is two modules, upwards of a mile apart but linked by structural tension and compression members. The small battle craft might be attached to the compression girders for their long ride to battle, but if the mother ship must maneuver, their masses might pose unacceptable loads on the girders.

Better by far if the parasites nestle in between the girders to grapple onto the tension cable. In this way, a fleet could embark from planetary orbit as a single system, separating into sortie elements near the end of the trip. Since the total mass of all the battle craft is about equal to that of the unencumbered mother ship, the big ship can maneuver itself much more easily when the kids get off mama's back. The tactical advantages are that the system is redundant with fuel and repair elements; a nuke strike in space might destroy one end of the system without affecting the rest; and all elements become more flexible in their operational modes just when they need to be.

Even if mother ships someday become as massive as moons, my guess is that they'll be made up of redundant elements and separated by lots of open space. Any hopelessly damaged elements can be discarded, or maybe kept and munched up for fuel mass. In this post, we'll use the numbers we've put together so far , and the baseline spaceship from the last post, to create three 'complete' space warship designs.

Each warship will have a datasheet and a commentary on design decisions and tactical considerations. Description : A high thrust, high performance warship that uses drop tanks to achieve enough deltaV to intercept interplanetary fleets. A solid-core nuclear thermal drive minimizes the need for radiators, but requires an on-board electric powerplant to power the lasers.

Expendable mirror-drones are used to out-range potential targets. Power generator waste heat removed by m2 of double sided radiators. Gyrotron masses 34 tons. Heat pumps mass 85 tons.

Aiming is through a 1ton side beam window. The heat exchanger masses Power for pumps and the rest is provided by a 1kW kg electrostatic-thermoionic RTG generator.

It is equipped with 12x2kg thrusters at 5 radial directions. Total mass is 7. Eight mirror drones add up to 59 tons, with 0. Volume is 20m3 per drone. Closer combat mirrors of 2m radius are composed of 12x1m2 segments, massing kg.

Total is 1. Volume is 5. Comments: Long range mirrors are nine times as effective compared to a 2m radius integrated mirror, and has the flexibility of one-ship flanking of multiple opponents, along all three axis. Close combat mirrors have swarm behavior. Life support for a crew of three, with 1 month endurance. Separated into two control centers and an inflatable rotating habitation ring. Consumables: open-ended kg of oxygen 72kg and food kg.

Water is drawn from the propellant tanks. Water recycling and CO2 scrubbing are handled by kg of equipment. Control center resembles fighter jet cockpit and masses kg. Mass 7. Forward sensors are 10 degrees arc wide-angle x36 to cover the entire front arc, plus one forward facing wide-angle, plus three redundant 1 degree narrow-angle.

Sides and rear are covered by three wide-angle sensors in scanning mode. Total mass 46 tons. Comments: this is a very aggressive sensor layout. It relies on a planetary network to detect flanking threats. Multiple redundancy helps mitigate damage and blinding. Fixed positions allow for better detection of incoming stealth projectiles zero scan delay.

Total internal mass is This is a cone 8. External mass contains armor and point defenses. The Martian Interceptor is in some ways a battering ram: no stealth, high closing velocity, no regard for force disparity. It breaks through enemy defenses and creates an opening for missiles launched by a stealthy arsenal ship. The protection of an armored nose cone is a vital element, one of the reasons it does not have a keel-firing laser.

It does not use laser point defenses, relying on kinetic PD instead to survive the one and only pass. It uses a monolithic cone of DLC. This can be considered maximal effective range. At km, it penetrates If the closest approach is km, it accumulates mm of carbon removed. If it closes to km, it takes mm. Failing to take out any targets leads to a mm penetration flyby.

Taking out one target at the closest intercept reduces this to mm. An interceptor should take out at least one target before the closest intercept, and another after intercept, so mm is the worst design case, and is the catastrophic failure case.

We design to survive catastrophic failure. The internal volume allows for a 2. This sloping increases armor thickness by a factor The cone has an average circumference of The standard laser's spot size averages 0.

An armor shell rotating twice a second can spread laser damage by a factor 76, reducing armor requirements to Actual armor requirements lie between In the best case scenario, the interceptor faces a tightly clustered opponent. At worst, the opponent has set up an un-escapable flanking shot.

A compromise is necessary. If the interceptor can keep opponents within a 60 degree frontal arc, then it needs mm of armor. Kinetic armor consists of two armor belts and two internal bulkheads. The front bulkhead is a 40cm hemisphere 4m wide. The main belt is 40cm thick, 20m long, moving up from the base of the armor cone tons.

An inner cylinder with 60cm armor protects the crew 5x4m cylinder, The rear belt is 40cm thick, 8. Front bulkhead is 8. Main belt is tons. Crew tube is Rear belt masses tons. The reactor cap This can be achieved with tons of water propellant, requiring a tank mass of Total mass is This requires The water is held in balloons 60m long, It is held in a balloon 42m tall and Just how big can you feasibly make a spacecraft?

The size of an aircraft carrier? The size of an asteroid? How about the size of a small moon? Today we will look at scalability of spacecrafts and the systems within. When designing a spacecraft, certain questions inevitably arise concerning how it should be sized. At the very least, your spacecraft needs to be able to fit people. However, there is no clear upper size bound. With missiles and drones, there is no obvious lower size bound either.

Power usage is more or less the primary way to increase effectiveness of systems, and size is generally the way to reduce thermal and mechanical stresses caused by this power use.

But these laws are almost never linear, and often hit ultimate limits. Take lasers, for instance. As outlined in The Photon Lance , scaling a laser up or down in size produces very little difference in power output. A trend with sizing of subsystems is that systems tend to work more efficiently when larger.

A single kN rocket thruster, for example, will perform more efficiently and be less massive than ten 20 kN thrusters. Larger singular systems distribute mass better and require fewer complex parts than many smaller systems.

On the other hand, those ten lower efficiency thrusters would probably be preferred in combat to the single high efficiency thruster because of redundancy. Compare a stray shot taking out all of your thrust versus taking out only one-tenth of your thrust. Clearly, there is a balance to be struck, between redundancy and efficiency.

Similarly, crew modules come with significant overhead, such as the plumbing for the sewage and air recirculators. As a crew module expands in size, this overhead reduces proportionally to the number of people within. However, bunching all of your crew together in a single module is a major liability in combat. Alternatively, rather than making a single large spacecraft with highly redundant systems, some playtesters went the route of smaller spacecraft with no redundant systems.

In that case, the redundancy is with the spacecrafts themselves, rather than with the subsystems. Another consideration is that smaller subsystems can be manufactured more cheaply on assembly lines compared to single large subsystems.

In the era of widespread, highly advanced Additive Manufacturing , these benefits are less pronounced, however. There are certain minimum size limits that show up with drones and missiles, too. For instance, nuclear warheads have a minimum size.

The smallest nuclear device ever made was the W54 at about 20 kg and the size of a large suitcase. This lower limit is due to Critical Mass needed for fission. Thus, for missiles, their warhead tends to determine just how small you can make the missile. If your missile has no warhead, their lower size limit is based on the rocket motor generally.

For drones, it is similarly the mass and volume of the weapons on that drone which limit the size of them. Generally, lower limits are all the rage because you want to make everything small, compact, and low mass.

Essentially, you make things big because you have to , not because you want to. At this point the Square-Cube Law begins to rear its head, and that is that volume scales cubically, while surface area scales quadratically. This is why large animals are built very differently than small ones. Without gravity, these issues are not quite as severe, but they still appear.

For instance, on the positive side, larger spacecraft are more efficient about their armor-to-everything-else ratio, because armor scales by surface area, and everything else scales by volume. Large capital ships tend to be armored like tanks while smaller ships run much lighter. But on the negative side, acceleration suffers badly. Attaching thrusters to a spacecraft scales by surface area, and the mass of spacecraft scales by volume.

Thus, the larger a spacecraft becomes, the lower and lower its acceleration inevitably becomes. Dropping that acceleration further is often fatal in combat. Another negative aspect of growing in size is that the the cross sectional area of the spacecraft grows accordingly. And having a fat targetable cross section vastly increases enemy projectile ranges against you.

For combat spacecrafts, then, miniaturizing your spacecrafts is often the most ideal choice. But what about civilian crafts? Civilian crafts make a lot more sense to balloon up in size, especially for the sanity of the passengers.

But the other issues are gone. If travel time is not an issue, such as with a multi-generational colony ship, then you could try scaling up to truly enormous sizes. When you start hitting small moon or asteroid sizes, though, then you begin to have to worry about gravitational stresses collapsing your ship into itself!

Borsten III? I explained we did not have the budget for this. Since the Camazotz is twice as long it Twice the length is eight times the mass and eight times the cost! I'm sure there were some cousins in the Borsten line did more than hold hands.

B-cubed decided he liked the idea of a lot of ships. He's scrapping the Shivas for eight times as many 50 meter Imps! We don't need the big guns and our defense force will have more flexibility.

And where the flick are we getting the crews for this flotilla of tail biters? Each one needs a pilot. That's eight times as many pilots. Where are we suddenly getting eight times the number of berths for servicing them? And maintenance personnel? You've ruined us! This is my attempt to make a "periodic table" of spaceship. The purpose of such a table is to spot interesting holes that can lead to fruitful insights.

There is a trade off between armor, guns, and speed. Each comes at the expense of another. One method of displaying this is by a ternary plot aka ternary graph, triangle plot, simplex plot, de Finetti diagram. It has three scales for three variables. For space warships, we will use the percentage of the ship's mass devoted to Propulsion speed , Weapons guns , and Defense armor. He notes that if you just look at the first three variables, one would make the erroneous prediction that the battle of Jutland would have been an overwhelming advantage to the Germans task force.

In reality, the British had the advantage because they built their ships with the endurance for long cruises and the Germans built their ships with an endurance of only two weeks. The classic historical example is the Battle of Jutland.

The British Royal Navy designed their ships for long cruises and extended habitability. The result of this was that their ships could stay on station and cruise for longer periods of time. A lot of resources were put into habitability, and when you're out in the South Seas and something breaks, you pretty much have to fix it from parts at hand. The German North Seas Fleet was built with more powerful boilers. It had more armor; its guns were built with a fairly precise targeting systems.

It could remain at sea for weeks, tops. If something broke, it was meant to go back to port to be fixed. I typically see it as Some ships will trade offense or defense for greater cruise endurance RN model and others will trade cruise endurance for maneuver and offense High Seas Fleet.

I've played many table-top spaceship combat games, and sadly they pretty much all just define ships in three dimensions. With the exception of Charles Oine's Voidstriker. In addition to the standard armor, guns, and speed, Voidstriker has Action Points and Supply Ratings.

In Voidstriker each turn a ship spends all its action points on various actions, such as perform a maneuver, fire a weapon bank at an enemy, precision aim a weapon bank, coordinate fire control with the rest of the friendly fleet, charge up a weapon, electronic warfare, launch or recover 1 small craft, repair 1 damaged ship system, activate point defense, and things like that.

In other words, perform several tasks simultaneously. At the end of a game turn, any unspent action points vanish, they cannot be saved for later. At the start of a game turn all the ships get a new store of action points equal to each ship's action point rating. And each supply point allows the ship to stay one month in the field, until resupplied by the fleet's logistics tail. As an interesting extra, in Voidstriker, the flagship of a fleet has a system called a "flag bridge".

A flag bridge can convert flagship action points into "command points", each command point costs two action points. If the flagship's flag bridge becomes damaged or destroyed it cannot make any more command points.

These command points can be spend on all sorts of interesting things, but one of the best is spending it on other ships in the fleet. Each command point spent on a ship will give that ship an extra action point , representing the flagship doing part of a ship's task. However only one command point can be spent on a given ship in a turn.

Though the flagship can spend command points on all the ships in the fleet, until the command points run out. In depicting combat in space, science fiction movies in particular long have conveyed rather simplistic models of WWI and WWII fighting.

But conditions in space are not egalitarian. There is also the problem of interstellar particles at high speeds turning the noses of ships into little atomic battlefields, to the misfortune of hull and crew.

In space, ranges are unlimited by terrain or earth curvature, visibility is absolute, and surprise probably only strategically. In such conditions, the faster ship will be the one also with bigger and better weapons; engine performance will tie directly to range and breath of energy and field weapons.

Evasive maneuvers carried out by necessarily shallow curves at even 0. The next time you watch Battlestar Galactica , ask yourself how well an F would fare against an energy beam with a diameter of kilometers: in space, given quality, bigger is better.

Most effective against system defenses, but average small mass of a ship, about 30, tons, prevented mounting weaponry strong enough to stand up long in deep space combat. About crew, 2 million tons for complete group; main ship 1. Fragile, but impressive in impact if the opposition lacked counter-fire.

Very skinny command ship gave drone profile from front and back. Non-situational weaponry, about as good in one sort of fight as another. Complement to ; mass 4. Completely weaponed, including exotic items like condensor clouds and linkages for demi-lunar manipulation. Three in a team were a match for a solar system.

Complement ; mass 10 million tons; length 9 kilometers. A Starcruiser might cut for hours through this jungle of tiny ships, mines, etc. Once such a ship began to take damage, the Starguard units quickly stung it to death. Total spherical complement about 4 million; mass 40 million tons; length about km. Museum Hack tour guides are world class conveyors of stories and information.

This system includes the Five Elements of a Hack, story shortening and more fun team activities. This training workshop will empower your staff to higher levels of productivity and performance, and is helpful in a wide variety of roles. Learn more: Online Storytelling Workshops. Pancakes vs Waffles is a game where you make decisions collectively as a team.

For round one, your team has to decide on whether the world is going to keep pancakes or waffles, and the other is to be obliterated from existence. Anyone can advocate for a favorite choice, and ultimately you must have a vote of majority to make the decision.

After one option is eliminated, you add a new competitor. For example, the game may become Waffles vs Pumpkins, and then Waffles vs Puppies, and then Puppies vs Kittens, and then Kittens vs Romantic Relationships, and similar. Typically the longer you play, the more intense the conversation gets and the more team members will share their values. The game mechanics are helpful for virtual team building because the initial conversation of Pancakes vs Waffles is low stakes, and it only gradually becomes more personal as you get to later stages.

You may have played Werewolf at summer camp, in college or on a company retreat. Werewolf is a game of wits, deceit, and skilful manipulation as you seek to survive the night. The entire game is based on speaking, careful listening and voting, so you can run the experience in a virtual conference room like Zoom or Google Hangouts.

First, each player draws a card that indicates a role: werewolf, villager, medic or seer. For a remote game, you could use a random generation tool and send each person the role in a private message. Once each one participant has a role, the game master announces that night has fallen, and everyone closes their eyes and does a pitter-patter drum roll for something fun to do and to mask other sounds.

Finally, the seer points to one person to reveal whether they are a wolf or not, and the game master nods yes or no to confirm. Then, the game master announces it is morning and reveals whether the wolves successfully ate a villager.

Usually one villager dies in the night, with the exception of the occasional save by a medic. The survivors debate who the werewolf is, and then vote to either eliminate someone or skip the round. Anyone that dies or is removed from the game becomes a silent ghost, and can no longer speak or otherwise participate in the game.

Repeat this process until only villagers or wolves remain. Werewolf is great for virtual team building because it fuels a lot of discussion.

Your team will love it. Typing speed races are a free online team building activity that you can start right now. To begin, take a typing test using typingtest. Then, post your results on your company message board or by email. The more competitive members of your team will reply with results quickly and others will follow.

You can then launch a larger scale challenge by hosting a typing speed relay, which is when you form squads and add up the cumulative scores to see which team wins.

Pro tip: make sure everyone is taking the same test! Typing speed races are ostensibly a fun little challenge to get everyone playing online games together. It is also great skill building; typing speed is incredibly important for remote workers. One way people get together in the real world is pub crawls, where you all go to a pub for a drink and then Model Ship Building Black Pearl 93 move on to the next one.

You can do a fun virtual equivalent of pub crawls too. You can start with this cool web page that explores the depths of the ocean: The Deep Sea. One way to make virtual calls fun is to assign roles during meetings.

If someone has a specific job to do, like cheerleader or shade thrower, then they will be more engaged. We named this activity Call of the Champions as a fun way to recognize the heroic roles that participants play in making a virtual call fun. One of the quickest and easiest virtual team building activities is the Virtual Dance Party. You can either host your virtual dance as a standalone event or add it as a quick one-minute session during a meeting.

Dancing can help cure awkward silences, keep energy high, and inject fun and team building into your team calls. Here is a virtual dance party playlist on Spotify. One place to find inspiration for virtual team building ideas is grade school.

Teachers are experts at engagement. Exciting sponge is a quick and easy storytelling game. To play, each team member grabs a random object in arms length and creates a story about it, or can default to describing a generic sponge. The goal is to exaggerate the truth about what makes that object amazing.

First, invite everyone to a call with a pint of their favorite brew; whether that beverage is tea, beer or wine. Then, a host organizes everyone into smaller teams and reads out questions. Participants must answer as a team, and each correct answer wins points.

You can do themed trivia like Netflix shows, musical clues and science facts. Here is a very long list of trivia questions.

Instead, play the remote work friendly version of this game. As the event organizer, you can write all the topics in advance or have team members submit topics that you filter for the group. Never Have I Ever is typically a knock-out game, which means you start with five fingers up and lose a point for each of the topics that you have in fact done.

Things is a game of talking and topics. Before the game starts, each of the participants adds topics to a common pool. One person starts as the host, and reads off a single prompt. The other players then anonymously submit answers to the host, which you can do via private message.

The host reads the answers out loud, and then you go in a circle giving each person a chance to guess who said what. You can have players accumulate points and win prizes, or ignore points all-together.

For the next round, switch hosts and continue with the same game mechanics. Here is a guide on how to play Things. Spreadsheet Wars is a tiny virtual hackathon, where participants can show off their skills in Google Sheets and similar programs. Spreadsheets are powerful tools and most people have only scratched the surface of formulas and other features. By playing games like Spreadsheet Wars you can help upgrade these skills and have fun while doing it.

Flight of the Navigator is one of the better movies that came out of , and today plays double duty in the realm of online team building games. For this activity, start by watching the movie, which you can find on Amazon or Disney. Your drink can be coffee, tea, water, or anything you like. The goal is to have a common element that you can play some fun virtual games around. Alfa, Tango, Foxtrot, is more than just a fun phrase that makes you feel more like a fighter pilot.

If you call anyone literally ever, then the NATO phonetic alphabet will help you have more clear and deliberate conversations. For your team, you may not use the NATO alphabet together much. Still, the skill is fun to learn and when it does come up it will feel like a strong bonding element for your coworkers. Every day, Monday to Thursday, a printable page of extra puzzles to give your brain an extended workout.

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Political will and supply chain issues are two key issues stopping ventilation from being considered as a core way to stop the The Police Service of Northern Ireland has appealed to community leaders to stop the disorder and violence that has erupted in recent days.

Children as young as 12 have been involved in some of the riots across Northern Ireland over the past week. The Police Service of Northern Ireland has appealed to community leaders to stop the disorder and Subscription Notification.

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