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Revision Notes for Maths Chapter 10 - Circles (Class 9th) | askIITians

Class 9 lays the foundation for Board Examinations. To get through this class it is important for you to stay focussed and develop an understanding of all the essential concepts in every subject. All the Maths formulas for Class 9 should be theorwm your fingertips if you want to sequentially solve your questions and score well in the exams.

Since time immemorial, Mathematics has been a troublesome subject for most of the students. They argue about learning and implementing a lot of formulas to solve various problem based questions. However, when you start analyzing these concepts carefully, then it becomes easier to thheorem all the mathematical formulas.

This article will prove to be theorek for all Class 9 students who are looking for the important Mathematic formulas for 9th Class one mayhs single article. This increases the class 9 maths ch 10 theorem 10.8 word to digest all the computation required to solve mathematical problems.

Mathematical formulas are not just to close your eyes and learn. You got to focus on understanding the formula, implement and analyze. This will make it easier class 9 maths ch 10 theorem 10.8 word you to solve maths problems.

You can logically learn such formulas. Download � Algebra Formulas for Class 9. Whenever you have to locate an object on a plane, theoem need two divide the plane into two perpendicular lines, thereby, making it a Cartesian Plane.

Given below are the algebraic identities which are considered very important maths formulas for Class 9. A circle is a closed geometrical figure. All points on the fheorem class 9 maths ch 10 theorem 10.8 word a circle are equidistance from a fixed point inside the circle called the centre. Certain facts or figures which can be collected or transformed into some useful purpose are known as data.

These data can be graphically represented to increase readability for people. Probability is the possibility of any event likely to happen. The probability of any event can only be from 0 to 1 with 0 being no chances and 1 being the possibility of that event to happen. A: Mathematics is a subject of logic. Therefore, it should be interpreted in the same way.

You can theoem these formulas by understanding them logically. Then, you can try solving the questions by implementing these formulas. A: We have written these Class 9 Maths formulas so that students can understand. A: You can practice for Class 9 questions at Embibe. Embibe offers you topic-wise questions and is available for free.

These are some of the important maths formulas for Class 9 which will be helpful to you in making your preparation journey a rather easy one. Solve the free Class 9 Wor questions of Embibe. Refer to class 9 maths ch 10 theorem 10.8 word formulas class 9 maths ch 10 theorem 10.8 word required. Make naths best use of all the available resources. Securing a high score in Maths will be a cakewalk for you.

Now that we got a detailed article on Class 9 Maths Formulas, if you have any query, feel free to ask in the comments section. We will get back to you at the earliest. Support: support embibe. General: info embibe. There is a unique real number which can mathd represented on a number line.

Suppose Ch 6 Maths Class 10 Theorems Unity a is a real number greater than 0 and p and q are the rational numbers. Every one variable linear polynomial will contain a unique zero, a real number which is a zero of the zero polynomial and non-zero constant polynomial which does not have any zeros. Remainder 100 If p qord has the degree greater than or equal to 1 and p x when divided by the linear polynomial x � a will give the remainder as p a.

The vice-versa also holds true every time. Class 9 Maths Formulas Mathx Coordinate Geometry Whenever you have to locate an object on a plane, you need two divide the plane into two 110.8 lines, thereby, making it a Cartesian Plane.

The horizontal line is known as the x-axis and the vertical line is called the y-axis. The coordinates of the origin are 0, 0 and thereby it gets up to move in the positive and negative number. Two figures are congruent if they have the same shape and same size.

Q: Where can I practice for more Class 9 questions? Vlass wishes you all the best! Algebra Formulas For Class 9. Maths Formulas For Class 8. Maths Formulas For Class Trigonometry Table. Trigonometric Ratios. Mensuration Formulas. Algebra Formulas.

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William Albracht. At dawn the next morning, three North Vietnamese Army regiments�some six thousand men�crossed the Cambodian border and attacked. Refusing to die or surrender, Albracht led his troops off the hill and on a daring night march through enemy lines. It begins with a brief overview of the classical decision making and decision support systems. Then it moves to business intelligence, followed by an introduction to analytics, Big Data, and AI.

We follow that with a deeper introduction to artificial intelligence in Chapter 2. Because data is fundamental to any analysis, Chapter 3 introduces data issues as well as descriptive analytics including statistical concepts and visualization. An on- line chapter covers data warehousing processes and fundamentals for those who like to dig deeper into these issues.

The next section covers predictive analytics and machine learning. Chapter 4 provides an introduction to data mining applications and the data mining process. Chapter 5 introduces many of the common data min- ing techniques: classification, clustering, association mining, and so forth. Chapter 6 includes coverage of deep learning and cognitive computing. Chapter 7 focuses on.

Chapter 8 covers prescriptive analytics including optimization and simulation. Chapter 9 includes more details of Big Data analytics. It also includes introduction to cloud-based analytics as well as location analytics. Chapter 10 introduces robots in business and consumer applications and also stud- ies the future impact of such devices on society. Chapter 11 focuses on collaboration systems, crowdsourcing, and social networks.

Chapter 12 reviews personal assis- tants, chatbots, and the exciting developments in this space. Chapter 13 studies IoT and its potential in decision support and a smarter society. The ubiquity of wireless and GPS devices and other sensors is resulting in the creation of massive new data- bases and unique applications. Finally, Chapter 14 concludes with a brief discussion of security, privacy, and societal dimensions of analytics and AI.

We should note that several chapters included in this edition have been avail- able in the following companion book: Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective, 4th Edition, Pearson Hereafter referred to as BI4e. The structure and contents of these chapters have been updated somewhat before inclusion in this edition of the book, but the changes are more significant in the chapters marked as new.

Of course, several of the chapters that came from BI4e were not included in previous editions of this book. The major issues covered are protection of privacy, intellectual property, ethics, technical issues e. We also cover the impact of these technolo- gies on organizations and people and specifically deal with the impact on work and. Special attention is given to possible unintended impacts of analytics and AI robots.

We have optimized the book size and content by add- ing a lot of new material to cover new and cutting-edge analytics and AI trends and technologies while eliminating most of the older, less-used material. We use a dedicated Web site for the textbook to provide some of the older material as well as updated content and links.

Several chapters have new opening vignettes that are based on recent stories and events. These application case stories now include suggested questions for discussion to encourage class discussion as well as further explora- tion of the specific case and related materials.

New Web site links have been added throughout the book. We also deleted many older product links and references. Finally, most chapters have new exercises, Internet assignments, and discussion questions throughout. The specific changes made to each chapter are as follows: Chapters 1, 3�5, and 7�9 borrow material from BI4e to a significant degree.

New topics include. We have retained many of the enhancements made in the last editions and updated the content. These are summarized next:. Most chapters include new links to TUN teradatauniversitynetwork. We encourage the instructors to reg- ister and join teradatauniversitynetwork. The cases, white papers, and software exercises available through TUN will keep your class fresh and timely. The TUN Web site provides software support at no charge.

It also provides links to free data mining and other software. In addition, the site provides exercises in the use of such software. The questions are rated by difficulty level, and the answers are referenced by book page number. You can manually or randomly view test questions and drag- and-drop to create a test.

You can add or modify test-bank questions as needed. These conversions can be found on pearsonhighered. The TestGen is also available in Respondus and can be found on www.

PowerPoint slides are available that illuminate and build on key concepts in the text. Faculty can download the PowerPoint slides from pear- sonhighered. Dozens of students participated in class testing of various chap- ters, software, and problems and assisted in collecting material.

It is not possible to name everyone who participated in this project, but our thanks go to all of them. Certain indi- viduals made significant contributions, and they deserve special recognition. First, we appreciate the efforts of those individuals who provided formal reviews of the first through eleventh editions school affiliations as of the date of review :.

James T. Several individuals contributed material to the text or the supporting material. For this new edition, assistance from the following students and colleagues is grate- fully acknowledged: Behrooz Davazdahemami, Bhavana Baheti, Varnika Gottipati, and Chakradhar Pathi all of Oklahoma State University.

Rick Wilson contrib- uted some examples and new exercise questions for Chapter 8. Pankush Kalgotra Auburn University contributed the new streaming analytics tutorial in Chapter 9. Other contributors of materials for specific application stories are identified as sources in the respective sections. Many other colleagues and students have assisted us in developing previous editions or the recent edition of the companion book from which some of the content has been adapted in this revision.

Some of that content is still included this edition. Their assistance and contributions are acknowledged as well in chronological order.

Dave Schrader contributed the sports examples used in Chapter 1. These will provide a great introduc- tion to analytics. Their help for BI 4e is gratefully acknowledged. The Tera- data Aster team, especially Mark Ott, provided the material for the opening vignette for Chapter 9. Abhishek Rathi of vCreaTek contributed his vision of analytics in the retail industry. Chapter 5.

Sams, New York, provided material for the early editions; Larry Medsker American University , who contributed substantial material on neural networks; and Richard V. McCarthy Quinnipiac University , who per- formed major revisions in the seventh edition.

Previous editions of the book have also benefited greatly from the efforts of many individuals who contributed advice and interesting material such as problems , gave feedback on material, or helped with class testing.

Many individuals helped us with administrative matters and editing, proofreading, and preparation. Jon Outland assisted with the supplements. Finally, the Pearson team is to be commended: Executive Editor Samantha Lewis who orchestrated this project; the copyeditors; and the production team, Faraz Sharique Ali at Pearson, and Gowthaman and staff at Integra Software Services, who transformed the manuscript into a book.

We would like to thank all these individuals and corporations. Without their help, the creation of this book would not have been possible. We want to specifically acknowl- edge the contributions of previous coauthors Janine Aronson, David King, and T. Liang, whose original contributions constitute significant components of the book. Note that Web site URLs are dynamic.

As this book went to press, we verified that all the cited Web sites were active and valid. Web sites to which we refer in the text sometimes change or are discontinued because compa- nies change names, are bought or sold, merge, or fail.

Sometimes Web sites are down for maintenance, repair, or redesign. If you have a problem connecting to a Web site that we mention, please be patient and simply run a Web search to try to identify the new site. Most times, the new site can be found quickly. Some sites also require a free registra- tion before allowing you to see the content.

We apologize in advance for this inconvenience. Ramesh Sharda M. He has worked on many spon- sored research projects with government and industry, and has also served as consultants to many organizations. Dursun Delen Ph. Prior to his academic Class 9 Maths Ch 10 Theorem 10.8 Cra career, he worked for a privately owned research and consultancy company, Knowledge Based Systems Inc.

He served as the general co-chair for the 4th International Conference on Network Computing and Advanced Information Management September 2�4, , in Seoul, South Korea and regularly serves as chair on tracks and mini-tracks at various business analytics and information systems conferences.

He is the co-editor-in-chief for the Journal of Business Analytics, the area editor for Big Data and Business Analytics on the Journal of Business Research, and also serves as chief editor, senior editor, associate editor, and editorial board member on more than a dozen other journals.

His consul- tancy, research, and teaching interests are in business analytics, data and text mining, health analytics, decision support systems, knowledge management, systems analysis and design, and enterprise modeling. Efraim Turban M. He is also a consultant to major corporations worldwide.

T he business environment climate is constantly changing, and it is becoming more and more complex. Organizations, both private and public, are under pres-sures that force them to respond quickly to changing conditions and to be in- novative in the way they operate. Such activities require organizations to be agile and to make frequent and quick strategic, tactical, and operational decisions, some of which are very complex.

Making such decisions may require considerable amounts of relevant data, information, and knowledge. Processing these in the framework of the needed decisions must be done quickly, frequently in real time, and usually requires some computerized support.

As technologies are evolving, many decisions are being automated, leading to a major impact on knowledge work and workers in many ways. This book is about using business analytics and artificial intelligence AI as a computerized support portfolio for managerial decision making.

It concentrates on the. The book presents the fundamentals of the tech- niques and the manner in which these systems are constructed and used. We follow an EEE exposure, experience, and exploration approach to introducing these topics. The idea is that students will be inspired to learn from how various organizations have employed these technologies to make decisions or to gain a competitive edge.

We believe that such exposure to what is being accomplished with analytics and that how it can be achieved is the key component of learning about analytics. In describing the techniques, we also give examples of specific software tools that can be used for devel- oping such applications.

However, the book is not limited to any one software tool, so students can experience these techniques using any number of available software tools. We hope that this exposure and experience enable and motivate readers to explore the potential of these techniques in their own domain. To facilitate such exploration, we include exercises that direct the reader to Teradata University Network TUN and other sites that include team-oriented exercises where appropriate.

In our own teaching experi- ence, projects undertaken in the class facilitate such exploration after students have been exposed to the myriad of applications and concepts in the book and they have experi- enced specific software introduced by the professor. This introductory chapter provides an introduction to analytics and artificial intel- ligence as well as an overview of the book.

The chapter has the following sections:. KONE is a global industrial company based in Finland that manufactures mostly eleva- tors and escalators and also services over 1. The company employs over 50, people. Over 1 billion people use the elevators and escalators manufactured and serviced by KONE every day. If equipment does not work properly, people may be late to work, can- not get home in time, and may miss important meetings and events. The company has over 20, technicians who are dispatched to deal with the elevators anytime a problem occurs.

As buildings are getting higher the trend in many places , more people are using elevators, and there is more pressure on elevators to handle the growing amount of traffic. KONE faced the responsibility to serve users smoothly and safely. As we will see in Chapter 6, IBM installed cognitive abilities in buildings that make it possible to recognize situations and behavior of both people and equipment. The sensors collect information and data about the elevators such as noise level and other equipment in real time.

The systems also identify the likely causes of problems and suggest poten- tial remedies. Note the predictive power of IBM Watson Analytics using machine learning, an AI technology described in Chapters 4�6 for finding problems before they occur. The KONE system collects a significant amount of data that are analyzed for other purposes so that future design of equipment can be improved.

This is because Watson Analytics offers a convenient environment for communication of and collaboration around the data. In addition, the analysis suggests how to optimize buildings and equip- ment operations. Finally, KONE and its customers can get insights regarding the financial aspects of managing the elevators. Salesforce also provides superb customer relationship management CRM.

The people�machine communication, query, and collaboration in the system are in a natural language an AI capability of Watson Analytics; see Chapter 6. Note that IBM Watson analytics includes two types of analytics: predictive, which predicts when failures may occur, and prescriptive, which recommends actions e.

KONE has minimized downtime and shortened the repair time. The owners can also optimize the schedule of their own employees e. All in all, the decision mak- ers at both KONE and the buildings can make informed and better decisions.

Some day in the future, robots may perform maintenance and repairs of elevators and escalators. To learn more, we suggest you view the following YouTube videos: 1 youtube. Sources: Compiled from J. Millions of Elevators. No Room for Downtime. It is said that KONE is embedding intelligence across its supply chain and enables smarter buildings. Describe the role of IoT in this case. What makes IBM Watson a necessity in this case?

What tools were included that relate to this case? Check IBM cognitive buildings. How do they relate to this case? Today, intelligent technologies can embark on large-scale complex projects when they include AI combined with IoT. The capabilities of integrated intelligent platforms, such as IBM Watson, make it possible to solve problems that were economically and techno- logically unsolvable just a few years ago.

The case introduces the reader to several of the technologies, including advanced analytics, sensors, IoT, and AI that are covered in this book. This vignette also introduces us to two major types of analytics: predic- tive analytics Chapters 4�6 and prescriptive analytics Chapter 8. Several AI technologies are discussed: machine learning, natural language process- ing, computer vision, and prescriptive analysis.

The case is an example of augmented intelligence in which people and machines work together. The case illustrates the benefits to the vendor, the implementing compa- nies, and their employees and to the users of the elevators and escalators.

Decision making is one of the most important activities in organizations of all kind� probably the most important one.

Decision making leads to the success or failure of orga- nizations and how well they perform. Making decisions is getting difficult due to internal and external factors. The rewards of making appropriate decisions can be very high and so can the loss of inappropriate ones. Unfortunately, it is not simple to make decisions. To begin with, there are several types of decisions, each of which requires a different decision-making approach.

For ex- ample, De Smet et al. Chapter Therefore, it is necessary first to understand the nature of decision making. For a comprehensive discussion, see De Smet et al. Modern business is full of uncertainties and rapid changes. To deal with these, or- ganizational decision makers need to deal with ever-increasing and changing data. This book is about the technologies that can assist decision makers in their jobs.

For years, managers considered decision making purely an art�a talent acquired over a long period through experience i. Management was considered an art because a variety of individual styles could be used in approaching and successfully solving the same types of manage- rial problems. These styles were often based on creativity, judgment, intuition, and experience rather than on systematic quantitative methods grounded in a scientific ap- proach.

However, recent research suggests that companies with top managers who are more focused on persistent work tend to outperform those with leaders whose main strengths are interpersonal communication skills. It is more important to emphasize methodical, thoughtful, analytical decision making rather than flashiness and interper- sonal communication skills.

Managers usually make decisions by following a four-step process we learn more about these in the next section :. Define the problem i. Construct a model that describes the real-world problem. Identify possible solutions to the modeled problem and evaluate the solutions. Compare, choose, and recommend a potential solution to the problem. Understand the decision you have to make. Collect all the information.

Identify the alternatives. Evaluate the pros and cons. Select the best alternative. Make the decision. Evaluate the impact of your decision. To follow these decision-making processes, one must make sure that sufficient alterna- tive solutions, including good ones, are being considered, that the consequences of using these alternatives can be reasonably predicted, and that comparisons are done properly.

However, rapid changes in internal and external environments make such an evaluation process difficult for the following reasons:. Major decisions may be influenced by both external and.

An example is the trade war on tariffs. These range from competition to the genera and state. These need to be considered when changes are being made. The impact on the physical environment must be assessed in many decision-making situations.

Other factors include the need to make rapid decisions, the frequent and unpredict- able changes that make trial-and-error learning difficult, and the potential costs of making mistakes that may be large. These environments are growing more complex every day. Therefore, making deci- sions today is indeed a complex task.

For further discussion, see Charles For how to make effective decisions under uncertainty and pressure, see Zane Because of these trends and changes, it is nearly impossible to rely on a trial- and-error approach to management. Managers must be more sophisticated; they must use the new tools and techniques of their fields. Most of those tools and techniques are discussed in this book. Using them to support decision making can be extremely rewarding in making effective decisions.

Further, many tools that are evolving impact even the very existence of several decision-making tasks that are being automated. This impacts future demand for knowledge workers and begs many legal and societal impact questions. We will see several times in this book how an entire industry can employ analytics to develop reports on what is happening, predict what is likely to happen, and then make decisions to make the best use of the situation at hand.

These steps require an organiza- tion to collect and analyze vast stores of data. In general, the amount of data doubles every two years. From traditional uses in payroll and bookkeeping functions, computer- ized systems are now used for complex managerial areas ranging from the design and management of automated factories to the application of analytical methods for the eval- uation of proposed mergers and acquisitions.

Nearly all executives know that information technology is vital to their business and extensively use these technologies.

Computer applications have moved from transaction-processing and monitoring ac- tivities to problem analysis and solution applications, and much of the activity is done with cloud-based technologies, in many cases accessed through mobile devices. Managers must have high-speed, networked information systems wired or wireless to assist them with their most important task: making deci- sions.

In many cases, such decisions are routinely being fully automated see Chapter 2 , eliminating the need for any managerial intervention. Besides the obvious growth in hardware, software, and network capacities, some devel- opments have clearly contributed to facilitating the growth of decision support and ana- lytics technologies in a number of ways:.

Many decisions are made today by groups whose members may be in different locations. Groups can collaborate and communicate readily by using collaboration tools as well as the ubiquitous smartphones. Collaboration is especially important along the supply chain, where partners�all the way from vendors to customers�must share information. Assembling a group of decision makers, especially experts, in one place can be.

Information systems can improve the collaboration process of a group and enable its members to be at different locations saving travel costs. More critically, such supply chain collaboration permits manufacturers to know about the changing patterns of demand in near real time and thus react to marketplace changes faster.

For a comprehensive coverage and the impact of AI, see Chapters 2, 10, and Many decisions involve complex computations. Data for these can be stored in different databases anywhere in the organization and even possibly outside the organization.

The data may include text, sound, graphics, and video, and these can be in different languages. Many times it is neces- sary to transmit data quickly from distant locations. Systems today can search, store, and transmit needed data quickly, economically, securely, and transparently.

See Chapters 3 and 9 and the online chapter for details. Large data warehouses DWs , like the ones operated by Walmart, contain huge amounts of data. The costs related to data storage and mining are declining rapidly. Technologies that fall under the broad category of Big Data have enabled massive data coming from a variety of sources and in many different forms, which allows a very different view of organizational performance that was not pos- sible in the past.

See Chapter 9 for details. With more data and analysis technologies, more alternatives can be evaluated, forecasts can be improved, risk analysis can be performed quickly, and the views of experts some of whom may be in remote locations can be collected quickly and at a reduced cost. Expertise can even be derived directly from analytical systems.

With such tools, decision makers can perform complex simulations, check many possible scenarios, and assess diverse impacts quickly and economically. This, of course, is the focus of several chapters in the book. See Chapters 4�7. The human mind has only a limited ability to process and store information.

People sometimes find it difficult to recall and use information in an error-free fashion due to their cognitive limits. Computerized systems enable people to overcome their cognitive limits by quickly accessing and processing vast amounts of stored infor- mation.

For coverage of cognitive aspects, see Chapter 6. Organizations have gathered vast stores of informa- tion about their own operations, customers, internal procedures, employee interac- tions, and so forth through the unstructured and structured communications taking place among various stakeholders.

Knowledge management systems KMS have become sources of formal and informal support for decision making to manag- ers, although sometimes they may not even be called KMS. Technologies such as text analytics and IBM Watson are making it possible to generate value from such knowledge stores. See Chapters 6 and 12 for details. Using wireless technology, managers can access information anytime and from any place, analyze and interpret it, and communicate with those using it.

This perhaps is the biggest change that has occurred in the last few years. The speed at which information needs to be processed and converted into decisions has truly changed expectations for both consumers and businesses. These and other capabilities have been driving the use of computerized decision support since the late s, especially since the mids.

The growth of mobile technologies, social media platforms, and analytical tools has enabled a different level of information systems IS to support managers.

This growth in providing. We will first study an overview of technologies that have been broadly referred to as BI. From there we will broaden our horizons to introduce various types of analytics.

Because of the complexities in the decision-making process discussed earlier and the environment surrounding the process, a more innovative approach is frequently need.

A major facilitation of innovation is provided by AI. Almost every step in the decision-making process can be influenced by AI. AI is also integrated with analytics, creating synergy in making decisions Section 1. Why is it difficult to make organizational decisions? Describe the major steps in the decision-making process.

Describe the major external environments that can impact decision making. What are some of the key system-oriented trends that have fostered IS-supported.

List some capabilities of information technologies that can facilitate managerial deci-. In this section, we focus on some classical decision-making fundamentals and in more detail on the decision-making process. These two concepts will help us ground much of what we will learn in terms of analytics, data science, and artificial intelligence.

Decision making is a process of choosing among two or more alternative courses of action for the purpose of attaining one or more goals. According to Simon , mana- gerial decision making is synonymous with the entire management process. Consider the important managerial function of planning.

Planning involves a series of decisions: What should be done? By whom? Managers set goals, or plan; hence, planning implies decision making. Other managerial functions, such as organizing and controlling, also involve decision making. It is advisable to follow a systematic decision-making process. Simon said that this involves three major phases: intelligence, design, and choice.

He later added a fourth phase: implementation. Monitoring can be considered a fifth phase�a form of feedback. However, we view monitoring as the intelligence phase applied to the imple- mentation phase.

A conceptual picture of the decision-making process is shown in Figure 1. It is also illustrated as a decision support approach using modeling. There is a continuous flow of activity from intelligence to design to choice see the solid lines in Figure 1.

Modeling is an essential part of this process. The seemingly chaotic nature of following a haphazard path from problem discovery to solution via decision making can be explained by these feedback loops. The decision-making process starts with the intelligence phase; in this phase, the decision maker examines reality and identifies and defines the problem.

Problem owner- ship is established as well. In the design phase, a model that represents the system is constructed. This is done by making assumptions that simplify reality and by writing down. The model is then validated, and criteria are de- termined in a principle of choice for evaluation of the alternative courses of action that are identified.

Often, the process of model development identifies alternative solutions and vice versa. The choice phase includes the selection of a proposed solution to the model not necessarily to the problem it represents. This solution is tested to determine its viability. When the proposed solution seems reasonable, we are ready for the last phase: imple- mentation of the decision not necessarily of a system.

Successful implementation results in solving the real problem. Failure leads to a return to an earlier phase of the process. In fact, we can return to an earlier phase during any of the latter three phases. The intelligence phase begins with the identification of organizational goals and objectives related to an issue of concern e. Problems occur because of dissatisfaction with the status quo.

Dissatisfaction is the result of a difference between what people desire or expect and what is occurring. In this first phase, a decision maker attempts to determine whether a problem exists, identify its symptoms, determine its magnitude, and. Organization objectives Search and scanning procedures Data collection Problem identification Problem ownership Problem classification Problem statement.

Often, what is described as a problem e. Because real-world problems are usually complicated by many interrelated factors, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the symptoms and the real problem.

New opportunities and problems certainly may be uncovered while investigating the causes of symptoms. The measurement of productivity and the construction of a model are based on real data. The collection of data and the estimation of future data are among the most difficult steps in the analysis.

As a result, the model is made with and relies on potentially inaccurate estimates. As a result, revenues,. To overcome this difficulty, a present-value approach can be used if the results are quantifiable. If this is not the case, the nature of the change has to be predicted and included in the analysis. When the preliminary investigation is completed, it is possible to determine whether a problem really exists, where it is located, and how significant it is.

A key issue is whether an information system is reporting a problem or only the symptoms of a problem. For example, if reports indicate that sales are down, there is a problem, but the situation, no doubt, is symptomatic of the problem. It is critical to know the real problem. Sometimes it may be a problem of perception, incentive mismatch, or organizational processes rather than a poor decision model.

To illustrate why it is important to identify the problem correctly, we provide a clas- sical example in Application Case 1. This story has been reported in numerous places and has almost become a classic example to explain the need for problem identification. Ackoff as cited in Larson, described the problem of manag- ing complaints about slow elevators in a tall hotel tower.

After trying many solutions for reducing the complaint�staggering elevators to go to different floors, adding operators, and so on�the manage- ment determined that the real problem was not. So the solution was to install full-length mirrors on elevator doors on each floor. Baker and Cameron An important approach classifies problems according to the degree of struc- turedness evident in them.

This ranges from totally structured i. Solving the simpler subproblems may help in solving a complex problem.

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