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c++ - #include and #include "" - Stack Overflow This document provides guidance and an overview to high level general features and updates for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4. Besides architecture or product-specific information, it also describes the capabilities and limitations of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4. General documentation can be . Add default templates for bibtex and biblatex, so that the variables header-include, include-before, include-after (or alternatively the command line options --include-in-header, --include-before-body, --include-after-body) may be used. LaTeX template: Update to iftex package (#) (Andrew Dunning) Wrap url colours in braces (#) (Loic. Notable changes include support for Matroska v4, improved reliability for ASF, Ogg, ASF and srt support, fixed GPU decoding on Windows on Intel GPU, fixed ALAC and FLAC decoding, and a new compiler for Windows release. More info in the release notes.

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Attr values can now be given as normal Lua tables Albert Krewinkel, This can be used as a convenient alternative to constructing Attr values with pandoc. Identifiers are taken from the id field, classes must be given as space separated words in the class field. All remaining fields are included as attributes.

With this change, the following lines now create equal elements:. Furthermore, the attributes field of AST elements can now be a plain key-value table even when using the attributes accessor:. Fix Lua function names in pandoc. Pretty has been removed [API change]. We now use the new external doclayout module instead. Add diff-zip. This is intended to make it easier to test differences in zip containers, like epub, docx, or odt. Fix --self-contained so it works when output format has extensions.

Add template variable curdir with working directory from which pandoc is run Docx reader: Add support for w:rtl This was added in pandoc 2. So this has been rolled back for now, until we find a good solution to make this behavior optional or a creative way to let pandoc-crossref and this feature to coexist.

New module Text. RST writer: treat Span with no attributes as transparent Previously an Emph inside a Span was being treated as nested markup and ignored. With this patch, the Span is just ignored. EPUB writer: Fix document section assignments For example, introduction should go in bodymatter, not frontmatter, and epigraph, conclusion, and afterward should go in bodymatter, not backmatter. For the full list of assignments, see the manual. Textile writer: fix closing tag for math output Albert Krewinkel.

Opening and closing tag for math output match now. Org writer: always indent src blocks content by 2 spaces , Albert Krewinkel. Emacs always uses two spaces when indenting the content of src blocks, e.

Pandoc used to indent contents by the space-equivalent of one tab, but now always uses two spaces, too. Lua: add Version type to simplify comparisons Albert Krewinkel. The objects simplify version-appropriate comparisons while maintaining backward-compatibility. A function pandoc. Version is added as part of the newly introduced module pandoc. Improve output of Lua tests , Albert Krewinkel. This makes use of tasty-lua, a package to write tests in Lua and integrate the results into Tasty output.

Test output becomes more informative: individual tests and test groups become visible in test output. Failures are reported with helpful error messages. Lua: add pandoc. The system Lua module provides utility functions to interact with the operating- and file system. Fix broken links in documents , Shim Myeongseob. Also, use absolute links to pandoc. Improved sample lua tikz filter in lua-filters docs , Matthew Doty.

There are three changes:. Disable missing-home-modules warning in stack. Otherwise stack ghci fails. Vimwiki reader: improve handling of internal links We no longer append. This mirrors behavior of other wiki readers. Generally the. It may be important for output to HTML in certain circumstances, but it can always be added using a filter that matches on links with title wikilink. If your workflow requires the current behavior, here is a lua filter that will add the.

HTML reader: read data-foo attribute into foo Docx writer: Use w:br without attributes for line breaks Add support for golang go with --listings If the MetaString consists entirely of digits, we convert it to a Number.

Remove RTS options. Add tectonic as an option for �pdf-engine , Cormac Relf. Docx writer: avoid extra copy of abstractNum and num elements in numbering. This caused pandoc-produced docx files to be uneditable using Word Online LaTeX writer: Add classes for frontmatter support , Andrew Dunning and remove frontmatter from scrreprt.

Shared: Improve filterIpynbOutput. Ensure that images are prioritized over text. Use XDG data directory for user data directory On Windows the default user data directory remains the same. Slide show formats behavior change: content under headers less than slide level is no longer ignored, but included in the title slide for HTML slide shows or in a slide after the title slide for beamer.

This change makes possible 2D reveal. Output cells in ipynb notebooks often contain several different versions of an output, with different MIME types, e. Add latexmk as an option for --pdf-engine Otherwise some legitimate command and environment definitions can break.

Handle display math appropriately for Asciidoctor. Powerpoint writer Jesse Rosenthal : support underlines. Make --metadata-file use selected extensions , , Mauro Bieg. Translations: reorder alphabetically and remove Author , Mauro Bieg. Old tests: remove need for temp files by using pipeProcess.

Rearrange --help output in a more rational way, with common options at the beginning and options grouped by function Use latest skylighting Custom syntax definitions no longer try to load language.

Add DokuWiki reader , Alexander Krotov. This adds Text. DokuWiki [API change], and adds dokuwiki as an input format. Implement task lists , Mauro Bieg. Task lists are supported from markdown and gfm input. API changes:.

Texinfo writer: Use header identifier for anchor if present Previously we were overwriting an existing identifier with a new one. Asciidoc writer: Shorter delimiters for tables, blockquotes This matches asciidoctor reference docs. Dokuwiki writer: Remove automatic : prefix before internal image links , Damien Clochard.

This prevented users from making relative image links. Shared - add toTableOfContents. It can be used in other writers to create a table of contents. Improve error messages for UTF-8 decoding errors.

Now we give the filename and byte offset Process: update pipeProcess Albert Krewinkel. The implementation of pipeProcess was rewritten to fix sporadic failures caused by prematurely closed pipes. SelfContained: Decompress. Normalize Windows paths to account for change in ghc 8. When pandoc is compiled with ghc 8. The change operates at the level of argument parsing, so it only affects the command line program.

Incorrect types to pandoc element constructors are automatically converted to the correct types when possible. This was already done for most constructors, but conversions are now also done for nested types like lists of lists.

Removed custom Setup. But custom builds cause problems, e. Installation of the man page is better handled by packagers. Note to packagers e. Debian : it may be necessary to add a step installing the man Sdt Questions In Compiler Design Years page with the next release. Tests: Cleaned up findPandoc in Tests. Helpers , so it works well with cabal v2. App: split into several unexported submodules Albert Krewinkel : Text.

FormatHeuristics, Text. Opt, Text. CommandLineOptions, Text. This is motivated partly by the desire to reduce recompilations when something is modified, since App previously depended on virtually every other module.

Some libraries include custom elements in their FB2 files. You can also include this information in your YAML metadata, like so:. In addition, ibooks-specific metadata can now be included via an XML file. Previously, it could only be included via YAML metadata, see ICML: Consolidate adjacent strings, inc. This avoids splitting up the output unnecessarily into separate elements. OpenDocument: Fix list indentation Nils Carlson, This was a regression in pandoc 2.

Texinfo: Add blank line before menu section XML: in toHtml5Entities , prefer shorter entities when there are several choices for a particular character. The flag is enabled by default, as deriving via Generics can be slow see App, via the new writerPreferAscii field in WriterOptions. Previously the to-ascii translation was done in Text. App, and thus not available to those using the writer functions directly.

HTML5 character reference entities are used. Improved detection of format based on extension in Text. AsciiDoc writer: always use single-line section headers, instead of the old underline style Previously the single-line style would be used if --atx-headers was specified, but now it is always used.

CommonMark and gfm writer: Add plain text fallbacks. Powerpoint writer: support raw openxml Jesse Rosenthal, This allows raw openxml blocks and inlines to be used in the pptx writer. The chances for corruption, especially with such a brittle format as pptx, is high.

Unzipped document and ooxml specification should be consulted. With --katex in HTML formats, do not use the autorenderer Since math has already been identified, this avoids wasted time parsing for LaTeX delimiters.

Also, use latest version of KaTeX by default 0. RST reader: Pass through fields in unknown directives as div attributes Support class and name attributes for all directives. Headers with the corresponding tags should not appear in the output. Log warnings about missing title attributes now include a suggestion about how to fix the problem Report traceback when an error occurs.

A proper Lua traceback is added if either loading of a file or execution of a filter function fails. This should be of help to authors of Lua filters who need to debug their code. Allow access to pandoc state Push ListAttributes via constructor Albert Krewinkel. This ensures that ListAttributes, as present in OrderedList elements, have additional accessors viz. Snake case is used in most variable names, using camelCase for these fields was an oversight. A metatable is added to ensure that the old field names remain functional.

Iterate over AST element fields when using pairs. Raw table fields of AST elements should be considered an implementation detail and might change in the future. Accessing element properties should always happen through the fields listed in the Lua filter docs. Ensure that MetaList elements behave like Lists. Methods usable on Lists can also be used on MetaList objects. Fix MetaList constructor Albert Krewinkel. Passing a MetaList object to the constructor pandoc.

MetaList now returns the passed list as a MetaList. This is consistent with the constructor behavior when passed an untagged list. The variable contains a userdata wrapper around the full pandoc AST and exposes two fields, meta and blocks. The field content is only marshaled on-demand, performance of scripts not accessing the fields remains unaffected. Options: add writerPreferAscii to WriterOptions. Low-level Lua operation remain hidden in Text. Remove runLuaFilter , merging this into Text.

Shared: Reimplement mapLeft using Bifunctor. Pretty: Simplify Text. Tokenize before pulling tokens, rather than after This has some performance penalty but is more reliable. Make macroDef polymorphic and allow in inline context.

I have actually seen tex like this in the wild. We now correctly parse:. Fix bugs omitting raw tex Previously some raw commands did make it through. Lang unexported. Simplified accent code using unicode-transforms. New dependency on unicode-transforms package for normalization. Support breq math environments: dmath , dgroup , darray. This collects some of the general-purpose code from the LaTeX reader, with the aim of making the module smaller. Add framework for custom properties Handle tables in table cells Although this is not documented in the spec, some versions of Word require a w:p element inside every table cell.

Thus, we add one when the contents of a cell do not already include one e. AsciiDoc: Prevent illegal nestings. This change eliminates the large gap we used to have between bullet and text, and also ensures that numbers in numbered lists will be right-aligned.

Markdown: Ensure blank between raw block and normal content Otherwise a raw block can prevent a paragraph from being recognized as such. Roff, providing functions useful for all roff format writers man, ms. Lua filter internals: push Shared. Element as userdata Albert Krewinkel. Hierarchical Elements were pushed to Lua as plain tables. This is simple, but has the disadvantage that marshaling is eager: all child elements will be marshaled as part of the object.

Using a Lua userdata object instead allows lazy access to fields, causing content marshaling just but also each time when a field is accessed.

Filters which do not traverse the full element contents tree become faster as a result. Util: add missing docstring to defineHowTo Albert Krewinkel. Markdown reader: distinguish autolinks in the AST. With this change, autolinks are parsed as Links with the uri class. Email autolinks are parsed as Links with the email class. This allows the distinction to be represented in the AST.

We do this in the LaTeX writer, and it avoids problems. RTF writer: Fix build failure with ghc This changes the way styles for cells in the header row and normal rows are handled in ODT tables.

Previously a new but identical style was generated for every table, specifying the style of the cells within the table. After this change there are two style definitions for table cells, one for the cells in the header row, one for all other cells. The JATS spec does not allow these. Build Windows binary using ghc 8. This fixes issues with segfaults in the bit Windows binaries Add --metadata-file option Mauro Bieg, , which allows users to specify metadata in a YAML file, regardless of the input format Image scaling was broken when a width was set to a percentage.

EPUB writer: set epub:type on body element in each chapter, depending on the epub:type of the first section This only affects epub3. FB2 writer: put coverpage element between title and date rather than in document-info element Haddock writer: Use proper format for latex math in haddock , Joe Hermaszewski. But newer haddock versions support latex math.

For external links, the option to use is filecolor. ConTeXt writer: output raw tex blocks as well as context PDF: fix message printed when rsvg-convert is not available , Antonio Terceiro. HTML5 template: add the title-block-header identifier to the header element, to make it easier to style precisely , J.

TEI template: improve publicationStmt. Add support for publisher , address , pubPlace , and date variables. Clean up appveyor build and Windows package creation. We now use bit stack and ghc 8. The WiX-based msi is now bit for bit builds fixing We here record another undocumented but desirable change in 2. Org reader: fix parsers relying on parseFromString , Albert Krewinkel. Emphasis was not parsed when it followed directly after some block types e.

Previously in 2. DocBook reader: metadata handling improvements. Now we properly parse title and subtitle elements that are direct children of book and article as well as children of bookinfo, articleinfo, or info. We also now use the subtitle metadata field for subtitles, rather than tacking the subtitle on to the title. MediaWiki writer: Avoid extra blank line in tables with empty cells Note that the old output is semantically identical, but the new output looks better.

Exposes a function converting which flattenes a list of blocks into a list of inlines. An example use case would be the conversion of Note elements into other inlines. RST template: use titleblock instead of title.

Users of custom RST templates will want to update this. LaTeX template: Moved some beamer code in default. This change allows beamer themes to change the template and font as Metropolis does Better error message on -t pdf -o out.

Fix regression finding templates in user data directory Under version 2. This primarily affects the markdown reader, and other readers that accept raw tex. Starting in 2. Add missing rollingLinks option to revealjs template , Igor Khorlo. Advances This means a change in the semantics of YAML metadata that could affect users: y , yes , and on no longer count as true values. Fix regression: make --pdf-engine work with full paths , Mauro Bieg. TikiWiki reader: Improve list parsing , Mauro Bieg.

Remove trailing Space from list items. Parse lists that have no space after marker. Texinfo writer: Use sup and sub instead of custom macros , Alexander Krotov. This adds proper bookmarks to the headers with non-null IDs. EPUB writer: Properly escape pagetitle. Custom writer: fix error message on script failure Albert Krewinkel. Error messages produced by Lua were not displayed by Pandoc.

Emoji now exports emojiToInline , which returns a Span inline containing the emoji character and some attributes with metadata class emoji , attribute data-emoji with emoji name. API change, Anders Waldenborg, Make the binary package installer the recommended method, and note that on some older versions of macOS, homebrew installs from source and takes a lot of disk space , Ian.

Removed inadvertently added. This removes a compiler warning. There is no need for the old network-uri flag, since network 2. Exclude foundation 0. Otherwise cabal gets confused because of the way ghc 7. Org reader: Fix image filename recognition Albert Krewinkel. Use a function from the filepath library to check whether a string is a valid file name. The custom validity checker that was used before gave wrong results e. Shared: add uriPathToPath. See Class: Catch IO errors when writing media files and issue a warning, rather than an error Francesco Occhipinti, New input format: fb2 FictionBook2 Alexander Krotov.

Remove deprecated --latexmathml , --gladtex , --mimetex , --jsmath , -m , --asciimathml options. Changes to tests to accommodate changes in pandoc-types. This commit changes tests and two readers to accord with this behavior.

Set default extensions for beamer same as latex. Thanks to teoric. Fix bash completion for --print-default-data-file Now the bash completion script just includes a hard-coded list of data file names. Haddock writer: In the writer, we now render tables always as grid tables, since Haddock supports these. Docx writer: Fixed formatting of DefaultStyle ordered lists in docx writer. We want decimal for the top level, not lower roman. This helps ensure that linked resources are included.

Add Semigroup instances for everything for which we defined a Monoid instance previously API change :. Add custom Prelude to give clean code for Monoid and Semigroup that works with ghc 7. NoImplicitPrelude is used in all source files, and Prelude is explicitly imported this is necessary for ghci to work properly with the custom prelude. This avoid a clash when polyglossia loads it first and then it is loaded again for XeLaTeX.

If the ICC profiles are not available the log will contain error messages. Bump upper bound for time, criterion, haddock-library, exceptions, http-types, aeson, haddock-library.

Language is now consistently Haskell , and other-extensions is consistently NoImplicitPrelude. Everything else to be specified in the module header as needed. Removed old-locale flag and Text.

This is no longer necessary since we no longer support ghc 7. Make weigh-pandoc into a benchmark program. Remove weigh-pandoc flag. Allow changing emphasis syntax This allows to change which strings are recognized as emphasized text on a per-document or even per-paragraph basis.

This used to be needed prior to v 0. The old method list inside blockquote still works, but we are encouraging the use of divs with class incremental or nonincremental. Lua: register script name in global variable There is very little pptx-specific in these tests, so we abstract out the basic testing function so it can be used for docx as well. This should allow us to catch some errors in the docx writer that slipped by the roundtrip testing. Lua filters: store constructors in registry Albert Krewinkel.

Lua functions used to construct AST element values are stored in the Lua registry for quicker access. Getting a value from the registry is much faster than getting a global value partly to idiosyncrasies of hslua ; this change results in a considerable performance boost. Fix inconsistent column widths This fixes a bug whereby column widths for the body were different from widths for the header in some tables.

Shared , so it can be used by other writers Jesse Rosenthal. Allow filters and lua filters to be interspersed Previously we ran all lua filters before JSON filters. Now we run filters in the order they are presented on the command line, whether lua or JSON.

Filter is also now exported. Use latest skylighting and omit the missingIncludes check, Sdt Questions In Compiler Design User fixing a major performance regression in earlier releases of the 2. This change dramatically speeds up invocations of pandoc on short inputs.

This forces users to interact with it using insertInFileTree and getFileInfo , which normalize file names. It contains the version as a list of numbers. Pandoc , Meta , and Citation were just plain functions and did not set a metatable on the returned value, which made it difficult to amend objects of these types with new behavior.

They are now subtypes of AstElement, meaning that all their objects can gain new features when a method is added to the behavior object e.

Clearly distinguish between a type and the behavioral properties of an instance of that type. The behavior of a type and all its subtypes can now be amended by adding methods to that types behavior object, without exposing the type objects internals.

Extending all elements of a given type e. This Sdt Questions In Compiler Design Keyerror is was changed in that all methods and attributes of supertypes are now available to their subtypes. The fields were named like the Haskell fields, not like the documented, shorter version. The names are changed to match the documentation and Citations are given a shared metatable to enable simple extensibility. Bump hslua version to 0. This version fixes a bug that made it difficult to handle failures while getting lists or a Map from Lua.

A bug in pandoc, which made it necessary to always pass a tag when using MetaList or MetaBlock, is fixed as a result. The introduction of runPandocLua renders direct use of this function obsolete. Fixed regression: when target is PDF, writer extensions were being ignored. So, for example, pandoc -t latex-smart -o file. This gives a pure way to insert an ersatz file into a FileTree. In addition, we normalize paths both on insertion and on lookup. Extensions: Alphabetical order constructors for Extension.

This makes them appear in order in --list-extensions. Update latex template to work with recent versions of beamer. The old template produced numbered sections with some recent versions of beamer. Thanks to Thomas Hodgson. Updated reference.

This makes it easier to see the effect of style changes. Removed default. It is no longer needed now that we have --print-highlight-style. Added stack. Removed stack. We only really need stack. Fix a bug in 2. Improve JSON serialization of styles.

Fix CSS issues involving line numbers Highlighted code blocks are now enclosed in a div with class sourceCode. Highlighting CSS no longer sets a generic color for pre and code; we only set these for class sourceCode. Add PowerPoint pptx writer Jesse Rosenthal.

It works following the standard Pandoc conventions for making other sorts of slides. Create shared Text. This is for functions used by both Powerpoint and Docx writers.

This has been fixed at the tokenizer level. This allows it to be styled more easily. Add -threaded to ghc-options for executable , fixes a build error on linux. Add --print-highlight-style option. This generates a JSON version of a highlighting style, which can be saved as a. Add --strip-empty-paragraphs option. This works for any input format. It is primarily intended for use with docx and odt documents where empty paragraphs have been used for inter-paragraph spaces.

Support --webtex for gfm output. Users who have a conversion pipeline from docx may want to consider adding --strip-empty-paragraphs to the command line. This is a helper allowing other writers to create single HTML tags. Change fixDisplayMath from Text. With the next release of reveal. Add basic lua List module , The List module is automatically loaded, but not assigned to a global variable. Lists of blocks, lists of inlines, and lists of classes are now given List as a metatable, making working with them more convenient.

This enables the use of the resulting objects as lists. Pandoc and Meta elements are now pushed by calling the respective constructor functions of the pandoc Lua module. This makes serialization consistent with the way blocks and inlines are pushed to lua and allows to use List methods with the blocks value. Use latest tagsoup. Make normalizeDate more forgiving Mauro Bieg, , not requiring a leading 0 on single-digit days.

Clearer deprecation warning for --latexmathml, --asciimathml, -m. Previously we only mentioned --latexmathml , even if -m was used. Changelog: fix description of lua filters in 2. Lua filters were initially run after conventional JSON filters.

However, this was changed later to make it easier to deal with files in the mediabag. The changelog is updated to describe that feature of the 2. This reduces compile time and memory usage significantly. Add epub. These used to live in the website repo.

Lua filters: preload text module Albert Krewinkel, The text module is preloaded in lua. The module contains some UTF-8 aware string functions, implemented in Haskell.

The module is loaded on request only, e. Allow table-like access to attributes in lua filters Albert Krewinkel, Attribute lists are represented as associative lists in Lua. Pure associative lists are awkward to work with. A metatable is attached to attribute lists, allowing to access and use the associative list as if the attributes were stored in as normal key-value pair in table.

Note that this changes the way pairs works on attribute lists. Instead of producing integer keys and two-element tables, the resulting iterator function now returns the key and value of those pairs. Use ipairs to get the old behavior. Warning: the new iteration mechanism only works if pandoc has been compiled with Lua 5. The uri parser tries to guess which punctuation characters are part of the URI and which might be punctuation after it.

Add amuse extension Alexander Krotov to enable Amuse wiki behavior for muse. Note: this is switched on by default; for Emacs behavior, use muse-amuse. Create a div, incorporate name attribute and classes. EPUB writer: Fixed path for cover image Otherwise we seem to get an error; biblatex wants polyglossia language to be defined. Deprecated ancient HTML math methods: --latexmathml , --gladtex , --mimetex , --jsmath.

Refactored some code from Text. PandocModule into new internal module Text. Removed etc. Often etc. Fix regression with --metadata Values specified with --metadata should replace a metadata value set in the document itself, rather than creating a list including a new value. Use pandoc-types 1.

This is easier and faster. The previous fix in 2. Use texmath 0. SelfContained: use base64 for css links with media attribute This fixes --self-contained with S5. Note: this change may require some changes in CSS rules. Fixed example of slide columns structure in changelog New output format ms groff ms.

Complete support, including tables, math, syntax highlighting, and PDF bookmarks. New output format jats Journal Article Tag Suite. This is an XML format used in archiving and publishing articles.

New output format gfm GitHub-flavored CommonMark New output format muse Emacs Muse Alexander Krotov, New input format gfm GitHub-flavored CommonMark New input format muse Emacs Muse reader Alexander Krotov, New input format tikiwiki TikiWiki markup rlpowell, New input format vimwiki Vimwiki markup Yuchen Pei, New input format creole Creole 1. This gives an attractive, plain-text way to create containers for block-level content.

Requires doctemplates 0. Add --log option to save log messages in JSON format to a file Add --request-header option, to set request headers when pandoc makes HTTP requests to fetch external resources. For example: --request-header User-Agent:blah. Added lua filters Albert Krewinkel, The new --lua-filter option works like --filter but takes pathnames of special lua filters and uses the lua interpreter baked into pandoc, so that no external interpreter is needed.

Note that lua filters are all applied after regular filters, regardless of their position on the command line. Support creation of pdf via groff ms and pdfroff. Added --epub-subdirectory option Default resource path is just working directory. However, the working directory must be explicitly specified if the --resource-path option is used. A nonbreaking space will be inserted after the period, preventing a sentence space in formats like LaTeX.

Allow a theme file as argument to --highlight-style. Also include a sample, default. Allow --syntax-definition option for dynamic loading of syntax Sdt Questions In Compiler Design 6th highlighting definitions Lists in markdown by default now use the CommonMark variable nesting rules The indentation required for a block-level item to be included in a list item is no longer fixed, but is determined by the first line of the list item.

To be included in the list item, a block must be indented to the level of the first non-space content after the list marker. Exception: if are 5 or more spaces after the list marker, then the content is interpreted as an indented code block, and continuation paragraphs must be indented two spaces beyond the end of the list marker. See the CommonMark spec for more details and examples. Documents that adhere to the four-space rule should, in most cases, be parsed the same way by the new rules.

Here are some examples of texts that will be parsed differently:. Here we have an indented code block under the list item, even though it is only indented six spaces from the margin, because it is four spaces past the point where a continuation paragraph could begin.

With the four-space rule, this would be a regular paragraph rather than a code block. Here the code block will start with two spaces, whereas under the four-space rule, it would start with code.

With the four-space rule, indented code under a list item always must be indented eight spaces from the margin, while the new rules require only that it be indented four spaces from the beginning of the first non-space text after the list marker here, a. This change was motivated by a slew of bug reports from people who expected lists to work differently , , , , , , , , , and by the growing prevalance of CommonMark now used by GitHub, for example.

It allows whitespace between the two parts of a reference link: e. This is enabled by default in pandoc and GitHub markdown but not the other flavors.

This is desirable to avoid falsely capturing things ilke. Add sourcefile and outputfile template variables Roland Hieber, Allow ibooks-specific metadata in epubs Reader functions no longer presuppose that CRs have been stripped from the input. They strip CRs themselves, before parsing, to simplify the parsers. Added support for translations localization Rename --latex-engine to --pdf-engine , and --latex-engine-opt to --pdf-engine-opt.

Removed --parse-raw and readerParseRaw. These were confusing. With --filter R filters are now recognized, even if they are not executable , , Andrie de Vries. Removed --epub-stylesheet ; use --css instead , Multiple stylesheets may be used. Stylesheets will be taken both from --css and from the stylesheet metadata field which can contain either a file path or a list of them.

The argument was for a bridge JavaScript that used to be necessary in We have removed the script already. The latest version is used, and the autoload script is loaded by default. Pandoc will then not try to incorporate its content when --self-contained is used.

This is similar to a feature already supported by the EPUB writer. Allow --extract-media to work with non-binary input formats , If --extract-media is supplied with a non-binary input format, pandoc will attempt to extract the contents of all linked images, whether in local files, data: uris, or external uris. They will be named based on the sha1 hash of the contents. Make papersize: a4 work regardless of the case of a4. Underlined elements are now treated consistently by readers , hftf ; they are always put in a Span with class underline.

This allows the user to treat them differently from other emphasis, using a filter. Duplicated identifiers could result. This simple fix ensures that explicitly given identifiers are also taken into account. Use table-of-contents for contents of toc, make toc a boolean Changed markdown, rtf, and HTML-based templates accordingly.

This allows you to set toc: true in the metadata; this previously produced strange results in some output formats. For backwards compatibility, toc is still set to the toc contents. But it is recommended that you update templates to use table-of-contents for the toc contents and toc for a boolean flag. Change behavior with binary format output to stdout.

Previously, for binary formats, output to stdout was disabled unless we could detect that the output was being piped and not sent to the terminal. Unfortunately, such detection is not possible on Windows, leaving windows users no way to pipe binary output.

So we have changed the behavior in the following way:. Better error behavior: uses of error have been replaced by raising of PandocError , which can be trapped and handled by the calling program.

In issue comments, a line break is treated as a hard line break. Previously they would be transmitted to the template without any escaping. In the latter case, we have emphasis; in the former case, just a string with literal asterisks which will be escaped in formats, like Markdown, that require it. HTML writer: Insert data- in front of unsupported attributes. HTML4 is not affected.

This will allow us to use custom attributes in pandoc without producing invalid HTML. With help from Wandmalfarbe, This only applies to section headers inside list items, e. Change to --reference-links in Markdown writer With --reference-location of section or block , pandoc will now repeat references that have been used in earlier sections. We also have a team of customer support agents to deal with every difficulty that you may face when working with us or placing an order on our website.

We are the only company that guarantees you quality or your money back. We believe that if you do not get exactly what you ordered, you have every right to your money. We also work towards ensuring that refunds are reduced to a bare minimum by providing you with quality every time. Our writers are compensated much more than they would be compensated in another company to ensure that they understand that theirs is an important role in the organization. We also believe that a well paid writer will sacrifice everything to provide quality.

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