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NCERT Solutions Class 10 Maths Chapter 12 Areas Related to Circles - Free PDF!

Both problems and their detailed solutions are provided. With NCERT reputed to be the best textbooks for school education, we make the solutions that are at par with the excellent textbooks. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Linear Programming. Class 12 Maths is key in the preparation for boards as well as JEE Main and Advance, and our solutions are made keeping in mind the very same thing.

The solutions are concise, and also discuss alternative sol of ch 12 maths class 10 to solve some problems. We make it a point to provide the students the best help they can get, and the solutions reflect just. Your performance in the board exams will play a role in determining your admission into a good college or even your dream college! That will undoubtedly induce a lot of pressure upon you and you may tend to get demotivated or stressed.

To help you overcome such situations, LearnCBSE is a platform all the way helps you to crack your target. The chapter builds up on the concepts of relations, functions, domain and codomain introduced in Class The students explore several real valued functions, and their graphs.

The chapter comprises of four exercises that consolidate the concepts explained in the chapter. This chapter plays in the restricted range of trigonometric functions that enables them to be one on one, and hence makes inverse of the functions visible.

This chapter explores the inverse trigonometric through two exercises that teach the students the behavior of the functions, sol of ch 12 maths class 10 graphical representations, and the elementary properties.

These prove to be of more value in integration later. This chapter takes you through the properties of one of the most important tools of Mathematics, namely Matrices. The students learn the basics of Matrices and Matrix Algebra.

Correctly preceded by Matrix, this chapter deals with an important part of Matrices, namely Determinants. The chapter deals with determinants of orders upto 3, and their cofactors and inverses. This chapter also talks about the applications of determinants, like calculation of area of triangles, adjoint of matrices, consistency of a set of linear equations.

This chapter picks up after the Differentiation of Functions introduced in Class The chapter explores the Ncert Solutions Of Class 10th Maths Chapter 5 Video important concepts of Continuity, Differentiability and establishes the relationship between. It also deals with the continuity and differentiability of Inverse Trigonometric Functions. It also introduces exponential and logarithmic functions.

With Continuity and Differentiability marking the start of Calculus, this chapter deals with the differentiability of functions, and introduction to derivatives. It delves into the derivatives of specific functions, and their applications, namely the tangents and normal to curves, and the rate of change in some quantities.

It also talks about increasing and decreasing functions. This is sol of ch 12 maths class 10 of the most important and time consuming chapters in the whole Class 12 Mathematics. This chapter deals with integration of functions, and its applications in terms of calculation of areas. This marks the introduction to Integral Calculus.

There are a total of 11 exercises in this chapter, making it a very practice Byjus Class 7 Maths Icse Solutions Test driven part of the syllabus. This chapter deals with the applications of integrals in calculating areas under simple curve, lines, parabolas and ellipses. The two exercises provide enough questions for practicing the area calculations.

This chapter introduces the concept of Differential equations, the general and particular solutions, and the order and degree of an equation. This also talks about the applications of differential equations in the six exercises. Sol of ch 12 maths class 10 chapter deals with the vector quantities, that is, the quantities with both magnitude and direction. The Vector algebra summarises the rules of addition of vector quantities, and other important properties.

Vector Algebra plays a big role in Physics. This chapter utilises vectors to calculate the distance between lines, a point and a line, and a line and a plane, along with the angles between. It also introduces the concept of direction cosines.

This chapter explores the concept of linear programming problems, and sol of ch 12 maths class 10 solutions using graphical method. This chapter deals with the concept of Conditional Probability and the encounters of the same in our daily lives. This chapter is best understood by practicing as many questions as possible.

We hope you will have great learning experience while using the solutions. You can download the solutions by clicking on the links above in the description. RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions. Watch Youtube Videos.

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If we use a massive amount of force, these mixtures will mix up in each other, but they will again split up from one another with time. On the other hand, in the emulsion, the two liquids will remain the continuous phase, and the other liquid will be floating around that continuous phase in a separate droplet. The emulsifier can work as surface modifiers and sit on the surface of the droplets. Also, they work as a thickening agent by increasing the viscosity of the continuous phase in the emulsification.

Lastly, we can use emulsifiers as a weighting agent to determine the density of the various substances in the reaction. A colloidal solution is one of the three primary types of mixtures in which the other two substances will work as a solution and suspension.

The particles of the colloidal solution have a diameter ranging from 1 to nanometers. Still, they are evenly distributed in the solution. A substance can only be referred to as a colloidal solution if its molecules present in the dispersed phase are larger than the other molecules' size but still small enough to be not seen by the naked eye.

Colloids have Sol, Emulsion, Foam, and Aerosol. One of the best examples of the colloidal solution is the foam, which forms by the soap in which many gas particles get trapped inside the liquid or a solid substance. With the Tyndall effect, we can easily differentiate between colloidal vs. So these are the notes of Surface Chemistry Class 12 from Chapter 5. We have provided all the information which you need for the revision of the individual topic.

This chapter is also quite important in terms of theory as there are not many numerals for students to solve in this chapter.

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The energy difference between the two extreme forms is of the order of It has not been possible to separate and isolate different conformational isomers of ethane. Draw Newman and Sawhorse projections for the eclipsed and staggered conformations of ethane.

Which of these conformations is more stable and why? In staggered form of ethane, the electron clouds of carbon-hydrogen bonds are as far apart as possible. Thus, there are minimum repulsive forces, minimum energy and maximum stability of the molecule. On the other hand, when the staggered form changes into the eclipsed form, the electron clouds of the carbon-hydrogen bonds come closer to each other resulting in increase in electron cloud repulsions.

To check the increased repulsive forces, molecule will have to possess more energy and thus has lesser stability. What will be the product obtained as a result of the following reaction and why? This rearranges to a more stable carbocation as:. How will you convert benzene into i p-nitrobromobenzene ii m-nitrobromobenzene Q Arrange the following set of compounds in the order of their decreasing.

Give reason. Sol: The methoxy group -OCH 3 is electron releasing group. It increases the electron density in beniene nucleus due to. Hence, it makes anisole more reactive than benzene towards the electrophile. However, the halogen atom also withdraws electrons from the ring because of its -I effect. Thus, overall electron density on benzene ring decreases, which makes further substitution difficult.

It decreases the electron density in benzene nucleus due to its strong -R-effect and strong -I-effect. Hence, it makes nitrobenzene less reactive. Therefore, overall reactivity of these three compounds towards electrophiles decreases in the following order:. Despite their -I effect, halogens are o- andp-direction in haloarenes.

Sol: In case of aryl halides, halogens are little deactivating because of their strong -I effect. Therefore, overall electron density on the benzene ring decreases. In other words, halogens are deactivating due to -I effect. As a result, halogens are o-, p-directing. Why does the presence of a nitro group-make the benzene ring less reactive in comparison to the unsubstituted benzene ring?

Sol: Nitro group is an electron withdrawing group -R and -I effects. It deactivates the ring by decreasing nucleophilicity for further substitution. Suggest a route for the preparation of nitrobenzene starting from acetylene.

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