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Yes, it does appear as if a storm is coming. Great advice! I've been prepping for well over a year now but always come away with something new from your blog as I'm sure so many others have. Keep up the great work. Henry, I'm not screaming this in a panic, by any means but have been hearing from people who are genuinely frightened about the speed at which our country seems to be declining. This article is for people who feel an urgent need to prepare and need specific tips for doing so, in a hurry!

I knew that! I guess I should choose my words more carefully, so as not to paint you in the wrong light. You put out great advice Mom! However, the longer people wait�.. I have purchased several cans of white meat chicken from Sam's for a high protein addition to soup.

Jessica, I'm just starting out, so thanks for the great idea of canned chicken for soups. Can you tell me what the average shelf life of canned chicken is? Thanks so much. Kim, if you can the chicken yourself, it will have a shelf life of several years as long as it's kept stored in a dark, cool place.

It' protected from oxygen by the canning process. For commercially canned chicken, 5 to 10 years is a safe bet, although it may lose some texture and flavor. I've eaten old canned tuna before, and although the flavor was still there, it was a little mushy. I have found that it does make life easier day-to-day now that we have some food in advance in the basement. One night, my husband was wanting pie and asking where he could get some at 11 pm.

I asked what kind? He just looked at me and said, "You do NOT have pie in the basement! I just went to Aldi's and bought more canned chicken. We also have canned ham and canned salmon from there. I want to learn how to can beef soon, too. Meat is my biggest worry, but I know we still have a decent supply of protein in one form or another.

A little easy meal we use is the little boxes of Lipton Noodle Soup. They come with two packages of soup that use 4 cups of water each and cost about a 1. We add an extra cup or so of whatever small macaroni we have on hand and it feeds our family of 6!

I have been brainstorming ideas to stretch meals for my large family. Since protein is more expensive and I may have to be conservative with it, I thought it may be a good idea to add beans to my cans of chicken noodle soup.

Great northern beans would be my preference. I like to cook bake chicken, let cool and add to can of chicken noodle. More chicken in noodle soup is better plus save some chicken for my 2 small dog. The leg quarter chicken would be 88 or 99 cent a pound from Food Depot. Or ham dice with favorite beans.

And ham fry for breakfast. Hamburger good on loaf bread instead buns. To save on cost. Eggs are unbelievable low 55 cent to 65 cent at Food Depot sometime. I have been stocking up on hamburger meat in our backup freezer. Our local Walmart Neighborhood Marketplace clearances it out two days before expiration. I make homemade beef jerky for a fraction of the cost in the stores AND it keeps really well.

Now we have stored jerky for quick snacks, freed up freezer space, and it all fits in our budget. Check out your dehydrator OJD. It may be costing you those savings in the massive electricity it uses. Make yourself a lovely solar dryer. There are tons of plans on the net and don't buy a book over it I did and it's simply rehashed free stuff off the net.

Mine runs about. In my old dehydrator it would take 2 -3 days for jerky to get done. Now, usually less than 12 unless I have some thick pieces. Then do the simple math: Divide wattage by , which gives you kilowatts.

Multiply the kilowatts by the number of hours that you run the dehydrator to obtain kilowatt-hours. Look at your power bill. How much do you pay for a kilowatt-hour of electricity? Multiply that amount � maybe 10 cents per kWh � by the number of kilowatt-hours you determined earlier.

For you scientific types, yes, I know that there are other variables; but this method gives a close enough idea so that one can determine whether or not this method is cost-effective! State of the government aside, stored food is also very hand for situations like Snowpocalypse, when we in the DC area were hit by three successive, nasty blizzards a few years ago. If you're like me and dislike crowds and standing in line, you did not want to be anywhere near a grocery store before the storms hit.

I like the suggestion of Lipton Noodle Soup. Sounds like a good way to add several meals at little cost. I wish I could afford to do this. Jobless college students never have much spare money. Thanks for the advice though. Put all together and � viola -chili. If you purchase the rice and beans and lentils in bulk you will get the best pricing, but you have to be careful about how you store them.

Even a few day's worth of food on hand is better than nothing. Good luck! It was my understanding that brown rice should not be used for long term storage. That it goes rancid too easily after about 6 months but white rice can be stored a lot longer years.

Is that wrong? If you have room, store brown rice in your fridge or freezer. But white rice will store a very long time on the shelf in jars with oxygen packets. I started storing when we were first married. We were college students, then I had a baby, and my husband worked 2 part-time jobs to bring in a little money. What I did to start with, was every time we had a meal somewhere other than home, the food we would have eaten went into storage.

Every little bit helps. If someone offered us tomatoes, I canned them. We were able to glean pea fields for peas. We picked wild asparagus. Our married student housing offered us the chance to grow a small garden. The opportunities changed all the time, but if you are willing to take advantage of them when they come, they will keep coming, and your storage will gradually build up without a lot of money going out.

Whenever you go grocery shopping get whatever little extra you can. Get 5 cans of beans or veggies and an extra package of pasta. I am on a strict food budget.

I have a meal plan and shopping list with what I need for a month of dinners. It took a little time to put together, but I know that if I have the ingredients on my master shopping list in the house I have 30 meals on hand. We just bought lbs of fresh tuna off the boat and canned about lbs of meat.

Our tuna jars are not shrinking! I bought the cheapest cuts of meat I could find and then canned it last week. Earlier this week, we had a very busy day and evening and wasn't sure what to fix for dinner. We opened one of those jars of beef, shredded it and had tacos.

The kids said it was so good, that we better not have hamburger for tacos anymore. I have several cans of vegetable soup that someone gave me. We aren't fans of just vegetable soup, so we will add the canned beef and it will be a hearty meal after a late evening deer or elk hunt this fall. I have become convinced that canning is amazing! I have some Ramen noodles in our food storage and there are lots of recipes online, especially for college students!

Just google Ramen noodle recipes and you'll find several sites. I've been printing some out as well as Spam recipes to keep in a binder along with other recipes using shelf stable items � just in case the SHTF and there is no computer access!

Thanks for the great tips, which are excellent for planning easy, low-budget meals. I wanted to suggest that split peas and lentils be added to the list of desirable foods to stockpile like beans because they're economical and also delicious. Lentils are now available pre-sprouted at Costco so they cook up very quickly and they also store for a long time. So if you are using an alternative cooking source canned heat, camp stove, sterno, alcohol stove, buddy burner to cook with you will use less fuel to cook them.

Learning how to use a "haybox cooker" will save even more fuel. Bring your items to a boil and cook for 20min. There are several youtube vids with instructions for DIY. Hallo, I am writing from Germany and I am new to the thoughts of prepping and quite overwhelmed with all the information. Your suggestions on planning for food are easy to follow and they show an easy way of planning. Thank you so much! Since we are always eating fresh food we now try out different canned foods until we find something we can imagine eating in rough times.

As soon as we like an item I just buy it times. As I understand you plan on mainly oatmeal for breakfast, the dinners I understand as well. What would the lunches be?

With greeting from the other side of the ocean, Chris. Wilkommen, Chris! I love Germany and lived there for a while many years ago. Oatmeal isn't the only good option for breakfast, but it's versatile, nutritious, and is healthy in many other ways. You could also plan on breakfasts of cooked wheat berries, fruit, pancakes multi-grain would be healthiest and rehydrated eggs.

Powdered eggs mix up with a bit of water for some pretty good scrambled eggs and omelets. If you plan on a very hearty breakfast, a large early-afternoon lunch, and then eat a light meal of leftovers, sandwiches with a loaf of homemade bread, maybe some simple soup for dinner, you'll have your three meals a day.

Comment or email me any time! This is so good. I took a friend out and got her part of it. The back of her SUV was full. She thought she'd gotten food for a year. We didn't even get to the 3 months above but she's started prepping because the plan was easy enough for her to finish. I have read some good stuff here. Certainly price bookmarking for revisiting. I wonder how so much effort you place to create this sort of wonderful informative site.

Observe an electroencephalogram or one being performed on someone and describe what can be learned from this test. Watch a "lie-detector" test being performed. Briefly explain how one works. Observe an MRI or one being performed and explain what information can be learned from such a test.

Observe someone receiving an local or general anesthetic and explaining how an anesthetic works. Visit and help care for someone minimum of 2 hrs who has a disease of the brain and report on their special needs.

Successfully complete a class sponsored by either the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross, or an equivalent under a certified instructor in order to properly learn and demonstrate one-person CPR. This must be within the past 12 months. Know and understand the location and function of the heart and lungs.

Define CPR and tell five conditions under which it would be used. Understand Prudent Heart Living. Develop, maintain, and keep a record of a personalized program in exercise, health, and diet habits for one month. Learn the significance of the colors and design used on the honor token for this honor as follows: a.

The person needing CPR is white, signifying no circulation. A heart is formed by the head, shoulders, and arms of the person performing the CPR, signifying compassion for another individual.

What gases extinguish life, and how? Why is it dangerous? What are the states of matter? Do five of the following, and explain the chemical action that takes place: a. Try to light a sugar cube, first without and then with some ash applied to the cube, thus showing the action of a catalyst. Place an ice cube in a glass of water, place a four-inch With the use of water, turpentine, and soap, transfer a newspaper picture to a blank sheet of paper.

With the use of a candle and a piece of cardboard, demonstrate visually the three parts of a candle flame. With a bowl of water, wooden match sticks, a lump of sugar, and small amount soap, demonstrate the action of sugar and soap on the floating match sticks. Place a fresh egg in fresh water and then salt water, noting the difference. Demonstrate that rust uses up oxygen with the use of steel wool, a pencil, a rubber band, a water glass, and a dish of water.

Demonstrate the colors produced when the following are burned: salt, copper, sulfate, and boric acid. Make an invisible ink. Show that washing soda or sodium carbonate contains water. Keep a record of what and how much food you eat for two weeks. Compare your diet to that of the food pyramid. What is digestion? Where does saliva come from? Be able to identify the following parts of the tooth: enamel, dentin, pulp, gum, cementum, and periodontal membrane.

What role do the teeth play in digestion? Be able to label a diagram or model of all the organs that help with digestion. Starting from where the food goes into the mouth to where is was expelled from the anus. Know the difference between food bolus and chyme. Where does bile come from? What are villi? What happens if too much water is present in the large intestine? How does fiber in your diet aid in digestion?

Demonstrate the digestion of starch into simple sugar using the iodine test. Know the difference between monosaccharide, disaccharide, and poly saccharide. What are amino acids? What is ATP? Why do we need to breathe oxygen? Know the difference between water and fat soluble vitamins. List five 5 E. White references that promote proper digestion. Choose a variety of topics. In British countries pass the examination in St. John Ambulance and receive certificate for the same.

Or complete the following requirements:. Know the causes of shock and demonstrate its proper treatment. Know the proper steps for rescue breathing.

Know the proper procedures to assist a choking victim. Know the proper procedures to assist a bleeding victim. Know the pressure points and how to correctly apply pressure at these points. Know the proper procedure to assist a victim of poisoning. Demonstrate the proper procedure in splinting various broken bones in the body. Know the proper procedure to assist the burn victim.

Know the proper procedure to assist a victim of a chemical burn. Know what situations are likely to cause carbon monoxide poisoning and the rescue and treatment techniques for such poisoning. Know the proper procedure for giving assistance to the victim of a head injury.

Know the proper procedure for giving aid to a victim of internal injuries. Know how to prevent infection. What is the proper treatment for a snake bite?

What is the proper treatment for animal bites? What is the proper treatment for insect and spider bites? What is the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and what is the treatment for each? What should you do if your clothes catch fire? What are the basic fire prevention principles for the home? What are the basic water safety principles?

What are the ways to save a drowning victim without swimming? What are the basic electrical safety principles? How can you prevent food poisoning?

Know the basic principles for mouth-to-mouth breathing and the treatment for an obstructed airway. What is the difference between a heart attack and a stroke and the treatment for each?

Know the proper procedure for assisting a bleeding victim. Know the pressure points and how to correctly apply pressure at those points. Know the proper method of applying a tourniquet and when to apply one. Know the proper procedure for assisting a victim of poisoning. Know the proper procedure for assisting a burn victim. Know how to properly apply the following bandages: a. Open and closed spiral c.

Fingertip b. Figure-eight d. Cravat bandage to the head. Know how to apply the following splints: a. Upper arm splint c. Ankle splint b. Forearm splint d. Kneecap splint Know what to do in an electrical emergency. Know how to escape from a fire. Know the proper procedure to assist a radiation-exposure victim.

Know the following rescue carries: a. Drag by shoulder e. Blanket drag f. Two-person carry g. Carry by extremities. Note: The yellow oval on the patch designates advanced level. Write a word report or give a two-minute oral report on what you learned. What is continuing education as related to health careers? Interview at least two people who work in a medical health career.

One of the two must be someone other than a doctor or nurse, such as some one working in dentistry, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, radiology, nutrition, etc.

People interviewed 1. In your interviews ask the following questions: a. Why did you choose your profession? What education is necessary to enter your profession? After education what amount of time does it take to become certified or proficient in your field? What part of your job do you like the best?

The least? What days of the week and hours per day do you work at your job? What advancement is available in your field? What course of study in college would complement your chosen profession?

List local schools that offer training in your profession? Be a candy striper or a page in a hospital or medical facility.

Visit a medical or dental office and do the following: 1 Observe the areas of operation, such as the business office, laboratory, examining rooms, x-ray room, etc. Go on a visit with a home nurse and do the following: 1 Learn the steps of a home visit from when the nurse finds out about the patient to when the nurse reports to a doctor.

Visit an outpatient department of a hospital, such as physical therapy, x-ray, laboratory, etc. Do the following: 1 Observe the areas of operation in the department.

Know the symptoms of a fever. What is a communicable disease? What precautions should be followed to guard against communicable diseases? What symptoms tell you that a person is physically ill? Know how to help take care of a newborn and an aged person in your home. Know when and how to wash your hands when caring for a sick person. Know how to make a bedridden patient comfortable in bed. Show how to give liquid medicine and tablets, pills, or capsules to children and adults.

Know how to properly apply eye drops. Demonstrate the method of giving fomentations and foot baths. Explain the value of their use and tell the conditions under which such treatments should be given. Demonstrate the application of a heating compress and the use of heat and cold for the treatment of inflammation and bruises. Explain how light behaves when it strikes or traverses water, oil, feldspar, and a mirror.

Positive 1. What should be the minimum distance of light source from the lens when testing for focal length? Find the focal length of at least four lenses, one being a negative lens. Explain by diagram why an image from a positive lens makes an image reversed and inverted.

Show with diagrams how a prism works. State the angles at which the colors appear and disappear. Construct one optical instrument using mirrors or lenses, such as a periscope, a slide or opaque projector, or a simple telescope. Explain what is meant by the term 6x35 and 7x50 as applied to binoculars.

What is the scientific method? How can the scientific method be used to study the Bible? What is a controlled experiment? What units of measure for mass, length, and time are used where you live? What units of measure are used for time prophecy in the Bible? List Newton's three laws of motion. Using a table cloth and several heavy books, demonstrate Newton's first law of motion.

Demonstrate Galileo's falling body experiment by dropping two plastic beverage bottles one full of water, the other half full at the same time from a height of seven feet.

Record the results and draw a spiritual application from this experiment. Demonstrate the mechanical advantage of levers by pulling a large nail, driven deeply into a board, using only a hammer.

Pull a second nail using a hammer and a small block of wood, located near the nail, under the head of the hammer. Note the difference in force required to pull the nail with different positions on the hammer on the block fulcrum and draw a spiritual application from this experiment. When telephoning for help in an emergency situation, what essential information should be given and who should hang the telephone up last?

Demonstrate what emergency first aid measures you should take in the following situations? Someones clothes catch on fire b.

Do the following: a. Draw an escape route for your family in case of fire in your home when your normal exits are blocked. Practice with your family a home fire drill. Discuss with your examiner the procedures for safely getting people out of your church and school in case of a fire.

Consideration should be given as to how to prevent panic. What should you and your parents do to prevent abduction of children in your family? Explain the difference in food value between whole wheat flour and white flour. Describe the effects of yeast in bread making. Give one Old Testament and one New Testament incident where leavening is mentioned. Prepare whole grain bread can be wheat, rye, oatmeal, etc.

Prepare two of the following: a. Yeast biscuits b. Unleavened bread c. Bread sticks d. Bagels e. Vegetable bread. Explain why the use of baking powder and soda should be avoided and why the mixture of milk, sugar, and eggs is harmful to health. How do you test a cake for being done? Cake from basic ingredients any flavor b. Cake from a mix any flavor c. Fruit or nut cake or loaf cake d.

Sponge cake. Make one pie in each of the following categories: a. Baked, any fruit, including lemon b. Unbaked baked pie shell only , fresh fruit, gelatin, etc. Make and bake one recipe of cookies. Prepare recipe file for all of the items required above and any others desired.

See how many recipes you can find using fruit without large amounts of sugar. Become acquainted with the sewing machine in your home or school.

Identify: a. Balance wheel b. Thread take-up c. Presser foot d. Presser foot lifter e. Needle f. Feed dogs g. Bobbin h. Control i. Backspace lever. Put a hem in one of the following items showing neat and even stitches. Towel b. Apron c. Flannel baby blanket d. Tell what is meant by selvage, bias, and grain of fabric. Know how to properly operate the kind of stove you have in your home. Know how to put out an oil or grease fire on your stove.

Know how to properly use a. Measuring spoons b. Measuring cups c. An electric mixer d. A blender e. Food processor. Demonstrate your ability to properly prepare two different kinds of hot cereal, a healthful hot drink, and cook eggs in two different ways other than frying. Prepare potatoes healthfully by two different methods.

Prepare a simple salad. Why do we need fresh salads in our diet? Know the food pyramid guide. Why is it important that we follow the food pyramid guide in our diet every day? Complete Meal Chart. Set the table properly for your family for an evening meal. Serve a balanced meal that you have planned and prepared as much as possible by yourself. Include main dish, vegetable, and salad. Follow a recipe correctly in making a vegetarian entree or a vegetable casserole.

Start a recipe file of your own. Put into it 10 recipes of dishes you have personally prepared from entrees, vegetables, salads, and beverages. CookingMeal Chart Make a chart for one week of the foods you eat to see if you are following the food pyramid guidelines. How many cups make a quart?

How many mls to make a liter? Prepare two main casserole dishes using macaroni, noodles, beans, or rice. Macaroni 1. How are salads kept crisp?

Know the difference in food value between whole milk, lowfat milk, and non-dairy milk. Prepare a balanced breakfast using the food pyramid guide. Prepare a vegetarian entree dish. Plan menus for one week, choosing at least three dishes in which left overs may be used. Complete Meal Chart Leftovers 1. Prepare a balanced meal using a vegetarian entree, a vegetable casserole, and a salad.

Know several reasons why vinegar is unhealthful. What does caffeine do to the body? Have 25 recipes of personally-prepared dishes, not more than five of which are candies or desserts.

Cooking, AdvancedMeal Chart Plan menus for one week, choosing at least three dishes in which leftovers may be used. Have a practical sewing box for your sewing supplies. Include in it a pin cushion, tape measure, pins, needles, thread, scissors, seam gauge and seam ripper. Identify a 5 natural fabrics such as a. Choose a pattern for an item such as a shirt, blouse, skirt or shop apron.

Demonstrate on another person how to measure for a. Make a blouse or shirt with set-in sleeve and a collar, and explain how you would adjust the shoulders for persons of different build. Explain how to make at least four of the following alterations or modifications in patterns: a. Select from pictures or draw an outfit for yourself that shows proper color harmony and is complementary to your figure.

When should food be steam pressure processed? List the kinds of vegetables and fruits that are excellent for canning as opposed to freezing or drying. Two kinds of fruit using the boiling water bath method, one by hot packing and one by cold packing Boiling Water bath. Two kinds of vegetables using the pressure canning method, one by hot packing and one by cold packing Pressure canning method. List at least three different ways to dry foods.

Why and how do you sulphur fruits? How is dried fruit stored and protected from insects? How are dried foods reconstituted? What is important in selecting fruit to be used in making fruit leather? How are dried nuts stored? Dry the following and provide samples for testing: a. Make crumbs and use in a recipe for sampling. Fruit leather c. Vegetable leather d. Fruit slices e. Vegetable slices such as carrots or pieces such as peas f. Vegetarian jerky g.

Parsley or some other herb. What kinds of containers can be used for freezing foods? What are the essential things to be considered when selecting vegetables or fruits for freezing? How do you thaw frozen vegetables for the table?

Freeze two vegetables corn and another of your choice , then prepare and serve for sampling. Quick freeze a vegetable for easy pouring. Why is salt not put in vegetables to be frozen? Freeze some peaches in light syrup and also some in orange or pineapple juice. What is the reason for using ascorbic acid in the syrup and not in the fruit juice? Freeze one type of berry without added sweeteners. Make one kind of freezer jam. List items used in keeping a house clean.

Describe the best way to keep stoves, microwave ovens, and refrigerators clean. Under what conditions do germs and pests thrive? State the proper way to prepare dishes for washing, either in the sink or dishwasher. How is trash disposed of in your community? What precautions should be taken in cleaning out a fireplace?

What is meant by keeping a home "baby safe"? Why is it important to read the labels in garments before laundering them? What is the proper way to prepare clothes for washing? What types of clothes should be washed in hot, warm, and cold water? What precaution should be used when using chlorine bleach? What precautions should be taken when using liquid fabric softeners?

How are woolen and wool like garments laundered? Why is it important to remove garments from a dryer immediately when the cycle is complete?

What points are to be considered in selecting a washing machine, dryer and iron? Know what type of materials should be dried only on the lowest heat setting of a dryer.

Describe the food pyramid guide. Food Pyramid. Why is it important to eat a balanced diet? Plan a two-day menu, containing a balanced lacto-ovo vegetarian diet utilizing the food pyramid guide. Complete chart. List at least three significant food sources of the following nutrients: Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Vitamin C.

Why is it important to drink plenty of water every day? Name three common diseases that can be controlled by diet. What is the difference between whole wheat flour and white flour. What does RDA stand for? Why is it important not to take excessive amounts of some vitamins and minerals? Nutrition Chart Plan a two day menu containing a balanced lacto-ovo vegetarian diet from the food pyramid. Calculate the total nutrients of the following in your diet each day: See chart a.

Calories b. Protein c. Iron d. Calcium e. Vitamin A f. Thiamine g. Riboflavin h. Niacin i. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid. How do the number of nutrients in your diet compare with the Recommended Daily Allowance chart? See chart. Explain why a high fiber diet is important, and tell how this can be obtained. Name three diseases due to malnutrition, and describe the symptoms of each. What are the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency? What advice would you give a person who decided to be a total vegetarian?

What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats? Why is it advisable to use less sugar in the diet?

How many are needed to make all the proteins in the body? White, write a paragraph on the benefits of a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. Keep a food diary for one week on yourself.

Calculate the total nutrients each day 3. Compare the nutrients in your diet with the RDA. What is a quilt? Who introduced quilts to North America? What are three main fibers used in the interlining middle layer of a quilt? What are two common types of quilts? What is the difference between yarn tying and quilting?

What are the steps in making a quilt?

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