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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths CBSE | myCBSEguide | CBSE Papers & NCERT Solutions

Why is diffusion insufficient to revirw the oxygen requirements of multi-cellular organisms like humans? Answer Unlike the unicellular nncert, the multi-cellular organisms have complex body structures with specialized cells and tissues to perform various necessary functions rdview the body. Since these cells are not in direct contact with surrounding environment so, simple diffusion cannot meet the oxygen requirement of all these cells.

What criteria do we use to decide whether something is alive? Answer Any visible movement such as walking, breathing, or growing is generally used to decide whether something is alive or not. Class 10th ncert 6.5 review, a living organism can also have movements, which are not visible to the naked eye. Therefore, the presence of life processes is a fundamental criterion that can be used to decide whether something is alive or not.

What are outside raw materials used for by an organism? The raw materials required by an organism will vary depending on the complexity of the organism and its environment.

What processes would you consider essential for maintaining life? Answer Life processes such as nutrition, respiration, transportation, excretion.

Page No: In this acidic medium, enzyme pepsinogen is vlass to pepsin, which is a protein-digesting enzyme. What is the function of digestive enzymes? Answer Digestive enzymes such as ncwrt, lipase, pepsin, trypsin.

These simple particles can be easily absorbed by the blood and thus transported to all the cells of the body. How is the small intestine designed to absorb digested food?

Answer The small intestine has millions of tiny finger-like projections called villi. These villi nfert the surface area for more efficient food absorption. Within these villi, many blood vessels are present that absorb the digested food and carry it to the bloodstream. From the bloodstream, the absorbed food is delivered to each and every cell of the body. Hence, it is class Ncert Class 10th Hindi Kshitij Review 10th ncert 6.5 review transported from body tissues in the dissolved form in our blood plasma to lungs where it diffuses from blood to air in the lungs and then expelled out through nostrils.

The organisms that use anaerobic mode of respiration include some bacteria and microorganisms such as yeast. Previous Post Next Post. Contact form. LinkList ul li ul'. Tabify by Templateify v1. Food is obtained directly 01th indirectly from autotrophs. This food class 10th ncert 6.5 review broken down with Class 10th Ncert Physics Book Review the help of enzymes. P hloem tissue helps in the transport of food. The walls of the alveoli are one cell thick and it contains an extensive network of blood capillaries.

The exchange of O2 and CO2 takes hcert between the blood of the deview that surround the alveoli and the gases present in the alveoli. The blood enters the kidneys class 10th ncert 6.5 review the renal artery.

The blood is entered here and the nitrogenous waste in the form of urine is collected by collecting duct.

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Should we let a initial wet-out cloak toughen class 10th ncert 6.5 reviewprecisely similar to their pork-rib cousins.

You need to prove that it is a right-angle triangle by applying the converse of the Pythagoras theorem. You could use the knowledge gained in class 10 about triangles to solve this question. Students have to find the length of each of the altitudes. You can do this by drawing a perpendicular AD from A on side BC and apply the theorem that the altitude of an equilateral triangle bisects the opposite sides. Along with this feature of an equilateral triangle, you also need to use the Pythagorean theorem to answer this question.

Here you need to prove that in a rhombus the sum of the square of its sides is equal to the sum of squares of its diagonals. This needs the application of your knowledge in equilateral triangles and the Pythagoras theorem to prove this statement. Question 8 in exercise 6.

Approach this problem in a step-by-step manner, and you can easily do it. It is a practical problem involving a ladder which is put against a window, and you need to find the distance of the foot of the ladder from the base of the wall.

This question tests your aptitude in trigonometric derivatives, and you need to apply the Pythagoras theorem to calculate the height and distance. You can solve this question if your core knowledge of Pythagoras theorem is strong.

It is a practical problem that is a bit tricky; hence just knowing the theorem would not suffice. With our diagrammatic approach to the question, you should be able to understand the derivation clearly.

As we know,in a triangle, the square of one side is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides,then the angle opposite the first side is a right angle. As we know if a perpendicular is drawn from the vertex of the right angle of a right triangle to the hypotenuse then triangles on both sides of the perpendicular are similar to the whole triangle and to each other.

Show that. As we are aware, in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. As we know ,In a triangle, if square of one side is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides, then the angle opposite the first side is a right angle. We know that in an equilateral triangle perpendicular drawn from vertex to the opposite side, bisects the side.

As we know that, in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Prove that the sum of the squares of the sides of a rhombus is equal to the sum of the squares of its diagonals. As we know, In a rhombus , diagonals bisect each other perpendicularly. Question 1.

Sides of triangles are given below. Determine which of them are right triangles. In case of a right triangle, write the length of its hypotenuse. Question 2. Question 3. CD Solution:. Question 4. ABC is an isosceles triangle right angled at C. Question 5.

Question 6. ABC is an equilateral triangle of side la.

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