Sdet Interview Questions Selenium Js,Ncert Book Of Class 10th Geography Word,Ranger Aluminum Bass Boat For Sale Review - 2021 Feature

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Top 20 SDET Interview Questions & Answers

The following Java Selenium interview questions guide covers most important quwstions questions for Selenium Webdriver including simple Selenium interview questions as well as Selenium tricky interview questions with answers. This guide has all the selenium interview questions for freshers and Selenium interview questions for experienced candidates to help prepare for the interview.

Selenium interview questions for experienced and sdet interview questions selenium js Following is a curated list of sdet interview questions selenium js Selenium Webdriver Interview Questions and Answers: 1 What is Selenium and what is composed of? Selenium is a suite of tools for automated web testing. With most of the browsers Webdriver and RC works. Grid: With the help of Grid you can distribute tests on multiple machines so that test can be run parallel which helps in cutting down the time required for running in browser test suites 2 What is Selenium 2.

Selenium 3. It has released 2 beta versions of selenium 3. For web based application testing selenium can be used The test types can be supported are a Functional, Learn More selennium Functional Testing. Assertion is used as a verification point. It verifies that the state of the application conforms intervieq what is expected. X-Path is used to find the WebElement in sdet interview questions selenium js pages.

It is also useful in identifying the dynamic elements. Technical challenges with Selenium are Selenium queestions only web based applications It does not support the Bitmap comparison For any reporting related capabilities have to depend on third party tools No vendor support for tool compared to commercial tools like HP UFT As there is no object repository concept in Selenium, maintainability of objects becomes sdet interview questions selenium js 10 What is the difference between type keys and type commands?

TypeKeys will trigger JavaScript event in most of the cases. Type key populates the value attribute using JavaScript. Sddt Assert allows to check whether an element is on the page or not. The test will stop on the step failed, if the asserted element is sdet interview questions selenium js available. In other words, the test will terminated at the point where check fails. Verify: Verify command will intreview whether the element is on the page, if it is not then the test will sdet interview questions selenium js on executing.

In verification, adet the commands are going to run guaranteed even if any of test fails. Variables, parameters, packages, methods and classes are annotated some of the Junit annotations which can be useful are Test Before Qufstions Sdet interview questions selenium js BeforeClass AfterClass RunWith 13 While using click command can you use screen coordinate?

To click on specific part of element, you would need to use clickAT command. ClickAt command accepts element locator and x, y co-ordinates as arguments- clickAt locator, cordString 14 What are the advantages of Selenium? Both will sret the speed of execution. Its done sdey once It takes a jd argument in integer format Ex: thread. It takes a single argument sdet interview questions selenium js integer format Ex: selenium.

How you can avoid same origin policy? The purpose of heightened privileges is similar to Proxy Injection, allows websites to do something that are sdet interview questions selenium js commonly permitted.

The key difference is that the browsers are launced in a special mode called heightened privileges. And the functionality intergiew makes it efficient testing framework are Support for annotations Support for data-driven testing Flexible test configuration Ability to intrview failed test cases 22 Mention what is the difference between Implicit wait and Explicit wait? Implicit Wait: Sets a timeout sselenium all successive Web Xdet searches.

For the specified amount of lnterview it will try looking for element again and again before throwing a NoSuchElementException. It waits for elements to show up. Explicit Wait : It is a one-timer, used for a particular search. You can use�. This will return list of frames. You will need to switch to each and every frame and search for locator which we want. Then break the loop 24 Explain what is the difference between find elements and find element?

It returns a list of web intefview. The JUnits annotation linked sellenium Selenium are Before public void method � It will perform the method before each test, this method can prepare the test Test public void method � Annotations Test identifies that this method is a test method environment After public void method - To execute a method before this annotation is used, test method must unterview with test Before 26 Explain what is Datadriven framework and Keyword driven?

Datadriven framework: In this framework, the test data is separated and kept outside the Test Scripts, while Sdet interview questions selenium js Case logic resides questikns Test Scripts. Test data is read from the external files Excel Files and are loaded into the variables inside the Test Script. Variables are used for both for input values and for verification values. Keyworddriven sdet interview questions selenium js The keyword driven frameworks requires the development of data tables and keywords, independent of the test automation.

In a keyword driven test, the functionality of the application under test is documented in a table as well as step by step instructions for each test. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Silk Test Tool Selenium Test Tool Borland Silk test is not a free testing tool Selenium is completely sdet interview questions selenium js test automation tool Silk test supports only Internet Explorer and Firefox Selenium supports many browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera and so on Silk test uses test scripting language Selenium suite has the flexibility to use many languages sdet interview questions selenium js Java, Ruby,Perl and so on Silk test can be used for client server applications Selenium can be used for only web intervjew sdet interview questions selenium js What is Object Repository?

An object repository is an essential entity in any UI automations which allows a tester to store all object that will be used in the scripts in one or more centralized locations rather than scattered all over the test scripts. Selenium Grid sent the tests to the hub. These tests are redirected to Selenium Webdriver, which launch the browser and run the test. With entire test suite, it allows for running tests in parallel.

But not as effectively as a dedicated Performance Testing tool like Loadrunner. You sdet interview questions selenium js use following command to store a value which is text qudstions using web driver driver. To seelenium between frames webdrivers [ driver. To switch back from a frame use method defaultContent Syntax-driver. Sdet interview questions selenium js types of locators are By.

If you are using Java, replace echo with System. Recovery intervisw depends upon the programming language you use. If you are using Java then you can use exception handling to overcome. To create html test report there are three ways TestNG: Using inbuilt default.

Selenese is questioons selenium set of command which are used for running the test There are three types of Selenese Actions: It is used for performing the operations and interactions with the target elements Assertions: It is used as a check points Accessors: It is used for storing the values in a variable 56 Explain what are the limitations selrnium Selenium IDE?

Either Selenium IDE can be opened as a quextions up window or in side bar 58 In selenium IDE what are the element locators that sdet interview questions selenium js be used to locate elements on web page? In selenium there are mainly 4 locators that are used X-path locators Css locators Html aelenium Html name 59 In Selenium IDE how you can generate random numbers and dates for test data? You can use the format option of Selenium IDE to convert tests into another programming language 61 Using Selenium IDE is it possible to get data from a particular html table cell?

Insert a break point sdet interview questions selenium js the location where you want to execute step by step Run the test case At the sdet interview questions selenium js break point execution will be paused To continues with the next step intrrview on sdet interview questions selenium js Blue button To run commands at a time click on run button 64 From Selenium IDE how you can execute a single line?

How you can use regular intervied in Selenium? A regular expression is a special text string used for describing a search pattern. In Selenium IDE regular expression can be used with the keyword- regexp: as a prefix to the value and patterns needs to be included for the expected values. You can even download ready-made Core Extension created by other Selenium enthusiats.

We can use the command selectWindow to switch between windows. This command uses the title of Windows to identify which window to switch to. It does a pixel comparison of the position of the element from sddet Left and Top of page respectively 72 How can you retrive the message in an alert box? You can use the storeAlert command which will fetch the message of the alert pop up and store it in a variable.

Selenium IDE have limitations in terms of browser support and language support. By using Selenium RC limitation can be diminished. On different platforms and different web browser for automating web application selenium RC is used with languages like Java, CPerl, Python Selenium RC is a java based and using any language it can interact with the web application Using server you can bypass the restriction and run your automation script running against any web application 74 Why Selenium RC is quewtions Selenium IDE does not directly support many functions like condition statements, Iteration, logging and reporting of test results, unexpected error handling and so on as IDE supports only HTML language.

The main difference between Selenium RC and Sdet interview questions selenium js is that, selenium RC injects javascript function into browsers when the page is loaded. On the other hand, Selenium Webdriver drives the Sdet Interview Questions Selenium Chrome browser using browsers built in support 76 What are the advantages of RC? A collection of libraries and classes is known as Framework and they are helpful when testers has to automate test cases.

To handle pop-ups in RCusing selectWindow method, pop-up window will be selected and windowFocus method will let the control from current window to pop-up windows and perform actions according to script 79 What are the technical limitations while using Selenium RC?

Yes, it is possible when you are not using JAVA inteerview framework. Instead selenum using Java testing framework if you are using java client driver of selenium then TestNG allows you to do. If you want full automation against different server and intervifw platforms, You need a way to invoke the tests from a command line process, reports that tells you what happened and flexibility in how you create your test suites.

TestNG gives that flexibility. To capture server side log in Selenium Server, you can use command java �jar. You can run Selenium server on java-jar selenium-server. At predefined time selenium grid hub keeps polling all RC slaves to make sure it qustions available for testing.

To handle network latency you can use driver. To enter values onto text boxes we can use command sendkeys 87 How do you identify an object using selenium?

To identify an object using Selenium you can use isElementPresent String locator isElementPresent takes a locator as the argument and if found returns a Boolean 88 In Selenium what are Breakpoints and Startpoints? Breakpoints: When you implement a breakpoint in your code, the execution will stop right.

This helps you to verify that your code is working as interrview. Startpoints Startpoint indicates the point from where the execution should begin. Startpoint can be used when you want to run the testscript from the middle of the code or a breakpoint. Few questiojs that favor Python over Java to use with Selenium is, Java programs tend to run slower selenikm to Python programs.

Java uses traditional braces to start and ends blocks, while Python uses indentation. Java employs static typing, while Python is dynamically typed.

I did automate test scenarios per day when the complexity is limited. JavascriptExecutor driver. Establish a Database connection ii. Readability � Improves readability due to clean separation between test code and page specific code. Rajkumar August 15,


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