Upstream Downstream Word Problems Review,Sailboat Magazine 01,Boat Slips For Sale Miami Fl - Good Point

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Log in Register. Search titles. Search Advanced search�. Members Current visitors. Interface Language. Log in. Install the app. Forums English Only English Only. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You are using an out upstream downstream word problems review date browser.

It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Thread upstream downstream word problems review colombo-aussie Start date Dec 3, Hi, Reading through a document about sutainability I came across the following sentence which totally threw me off.

Does anyone know what this could upstream downstream word problems review or rephrase this especific part so I can understand its meaning? Thank you. Hullo Aussie. Imagine you go to upstream downstream word problems review supermarket to buy a box of chocolates for a present. Those chocolates have come 'downstream' from 1 cacao growers, and producers of all the other raw materials that go into making a box of chocolates; 2 a factory where chocolates are manufactured; 3 probably a distribution warehouse In other words wow that was a long example the terms just refer to position in a process.

If you stand at the very beginning of the process, everything is downstream from. Well, I'm sure you get the rest. Lete me see if I got your point, 'downstream' would be addressing the source of Upstream And Downstream Problems Class 10 Words the original problem rather than the effects of it, and the other way upstream downstream word problems review for 'upstream'? Well, not necessarily the source itself, but something earlier in the process which leads to the problem. I understand now!! Thank you so. Egmont Senior Member Massachusetts, U.

Click to expand The confusion comes from the fact that ewie was using 'downstream' as a direction of travel. Think of yourself standing knee-deep in a river. There are leaves floating on the surface of the river, being carried along by the current. The leaves are floating downstream -- that is, they are floating in the same direction as the flow of the current. There are salmon in the river, and they are swimming up the river to spawn.

The fish are swimming upstream -- that is, they are swimming in a direction opposite that of the flow of the river. As you stand in the river, you look toward the direction from which the water is coming. You are looking upstream, and everything on the river in that direction is upstream from you. The leaves floating toward you from that direction are travelling downstream, but they are still upstream from you.

Only after they pass you as they float by will they be downstream from you. You then turn and look in the direction towards which the water is flowing. You are now looking downstream, and everything in that direction is downstream from you.

Any fish that are entering the river from the sea are still travelling upstream, but until they reach you, they are still downstream from you. After they pass you on their journey, they will be upstream from you. In the same way, the production of goods or of information is like the flow of a river. Depending on where you are, certain things can be "upstream" or "downstream" from your point of view.

Egmont said:. It's the other way round. GreenWhiteBlue said:. The confusion [ Hi again, Egmon and GreenWhiteBue, those were an excellent explications, it's very clear now what 'downstream'and upstream downstream word problems review mean.

Thanks to both of you, and of course thanks to ewie too for all his help. You must log in or register to reply. Similar threads. Upstream upstream downstream word problems review downstream.

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I don't know when I'd refer to the steps he presents, but the anecdotes are compelling. Rescue squads were soon working 24 hours a day. Not really. A hero who actively fights for a world where rescues are seldom required. Readers also enjoyed. Return to Book Page. One of my favourite quotes from the book: "Every system is perfectly designed to get the results it gets.

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