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Get the latest tutorials on SysAdmin and open source topics. Hub for Good Supporting each other to make an impact. Write for DigitalOcean You get paid, we donate to tech non-profits. React is a front-end JavaScript library that can be used to create interactive user interfaces for your application. In this tutorial, you will create a to-do application. Your application will need to display the tasks, add new tasks, mark tasks as complete, and remove tasks.

This type of project is often accomplished with Class components, but this application will instead integrate React Hooks. React Hooks allow for functional components to have a state and use lifecycle methods, allowing you to avoid using Class components and have more modular and readable code.

You can check out the completed project on CodeSandbox. First, you need to create a new app. In your terminal window, navigate to the place you would like how to build a bass boat deck extension react new application to be located and type:.

Note: Prior to React At the time of this writing, Create React App will install the latest stable version of React This creates CSS classes for apptodo-listand todo. It takes advantage of vh viewport height units and flexbox properties align-items and justify-content.

You will want to make a list of things so that you can read and view the list. You are going to be using React Hooks, so state will look a little different than if you used classes.

The component is wooden sailing dinghy for sale uk visa functional component. In past versions of React, functional components were unable to handle state, but now, by using Hooks, they. The hook of useState is what React uses to hook into the state or lifecycle of the component.

You will then create an array of objects and you will have the beginnings of your state. You will want to create a component that you can use later on in the return of the main App component. You will call that Todo and it will pass in the todo and show the text part of the todo todo. Revisit App. By using the JavaScript method, mapyou will be able to create a new array of items by mapping over the todo items from state and displaying them how to build a bass boat deck extension react index.

At this point, it is also possible to remove the How To Build A Bass Boat Deck Jp logo. First, you will add another component called TodoForm. In this component you want to:. The state starts off empty, and as you add things to your state, it will add it to your list of to-do items.

You will want to add in a handleSubmit variable that can handle your addTodo function and add the item to the list. If nothing is in the input box and the user presses ENTERyou want it to not add in an empty item to the list. Staying within App. Notice that there is no. With the new React Hooks, you will have no use for. There is a spread operator in the code how to build a bass boat deck extension react.

The three dots before the todos copy the list for you so that you are able to add on the new to-do item. Then using the keyword that wooden sailing dinghy for sale uk visa set earlier, you will set the state with setTodos.

Open your application in a web browser. There should be three to-do items displayed. There should also be a field for adding new to-do items:. You will be adding in another key-value how to build a bass boat deck extension react to your list of objects. By adding in an isCompleted: false value, you will set that to false to begin with and will, when prompted, change that to true.

You will do similar things that you did in addTodolike using the spread operator to grab the current list of items. In this function, you will change the isCompleted status to true so that it knows it is complete.

It will then update the state and set the state to the newTodos. By using completeTodo in the Todo function, you can use that functionality. When the Complete button is clicked, it will add in the textDecoration: line-through styling and cross out the item. You will use a ternary operator to complete an item and update the list:.

Add completeTodo in the Todo part of how to build a bass boat deck extension react the App component:. There will be three to-do items displayed. There will also be a Complete button for marking to-do items as complete. You will build the removeTodo function so that when you click on an X to delete an item, the item will be deleted.

That function will be located by the others underneath the state of the App component. In this removeTodo function, you will again use the spread operator, but once you grab that current list, you will be splicing the chosen index off of the array of items.

Once that is removed, you will return the new state by setting it with setTodos to be newTodos. Add removeTodo in the Todo part of returning the App component:. There will also be an X button for removing to-do items. After you have put together the Todo component, the TodoForm component, wooden sailing dinghy for sale uk visa the App component, your App.

You now have an application for all four aspects of CRUD. Creating to-do items, reading to-do items, updating to-do items, and deleting to-do items. A to-do app can be a great reminder or starting point when it comes to CRUD in web development. Being able to read information, create new information, update existing information, and delete information can be powerful in any application.

In this tutorial, your created a CRUD To-do list app with React Hookswhich allowed for code to be clear, concise, and straightforward. Where would you like to share this to? Twitter Reddit Hacker News Facebook. Share link Tutorial share link. Sign Up. DigitalOcean home. Community Control Panel. Hub for Good Supporting each other to make an impact Write for DigitalOcean You get paid, we donate to tech non-profits.

Hacktoberfest Contribute to Open Source. Introduction React is a front-end JavaScript library that can be used to create interactive user interfaces for your application.

Prerequisites To complete this tutorial, you will need: Node. Some familiarity with React will be beneficial, but is not required. You can take a look at our How To Code in React. Step 1 � Starting a React App First, you need to create a new app. In your terminal window, navigate to the place you would like your new application to be located and type: npx create-react-app react-to-do Note: Prior to React Next, navigate how to build a bass boat deck extension react the new project directory: cd react-to-do Then, run the project: npm start Navigate to localhost in your browser to see the spinning React logo.

Your application has now been set-up and you can continue on to building the rest of the app. Step 2 � Styling Your Application Styling will not be the focus of this tutorial, but it will help display the to-do tasks. Open App. About the authors. Bradley Kouchi.

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