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Class 7 Science Chapter 3 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) for

According to geometry, a quadrilateral is a covered, two-dimensional shape that has four straight sides. The polygon has four vertices or corners. Quadrilaterals will typically imply approved forms with four sides like rectangle, square, Trapezoid, kite, or uneven and uncharacterized.

From the polygon formula, we can also derive the Sum of claws angles, i. However, squares, rectangles. There are five types of quadrilaterals based on their shape:. A rectangle is a kind of quadrilateral having four right angles.

Moreover, the opposite planes of a rectangle are parallel and similar. Diagonals bisect each. Letting the length of the rectangle L and breadth B then.

Opposite sides are equal and Parallel. Diagonals of a lcass bisect each. Square is another quadrilateral having four equal sides and angles. It's also a normal quadrilateral as both its sides and angles are equal. Accurately like a rectangle, a square has four angles of 90 degrees. We can also call it mathx rectangle whose two adjacent sides are equal.

Letting the side of a square 'a' byjus class 8 maths chapter 3 raw. Each and every side is parallel and also equal to each. Diagonals bisect each other perpendicularly. A parallelogram is a simple quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel, as we can understand by the name.

Thus, it consists of two pairs of parallel clwss. Besides, the opposite angles in byjus class 8 maths chapter 3 raw parallelogram are alike, and cpass diagonals divide each. Opposite angles are equal. Opposite sides are equal and parallel. The summation of any two adjacent angles is degrees. A rhombus is also a quadrilateral whose all four sides are identical in length and opposite sides parallel.

A rhombus with right angles would match a square. We often call rhombus a diamond' as it looks similar to the byjue suit in playing cards. All planes are equal, and opposite planes are parallel. A trapezium is also a quadrilateral having one parallel side pair. Rae parallel sides are known as 'bases,' and the rest are known as 'legs' or lateral sides.

Letting the height of a trapezium 'h' then:. A trapezium is another type of quadrilateral in which it follows a single property where only one pair of opposite sides of trapezium should be parallel to each. Exercise 3.


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These questions are handpicked by our subject experts as these questions have the highest probability of coming in the examinations. Also, these questions are a great revision tool students can use.

Solving these questions will help students in obtaining a better understanding of the type of questions asked in the examinations and how to format their answers correctly. Planning your schedule is extremely important if you want to score good marks in the upcoming examinations. To help you in this, Class 8 revised mathematics syllabus is given below. Chapter 1 - Rational numbers. Chapter 2 - Linear equations in one variable.

Chapter 3 - Understanding quadrilaterals. Chapter 4 - Practical Geometry. Chapter 5 - Data Handling. Chapter 6 - Square and Square roots. Chapter 7 - Cube and Cube roots. Chapter 8 - Comparing quantities.

Chapter 9 - Algebraic expressions and identities. Chapter 10 - Visualising solid shapes. Chapter 11 - Mensuration. Chapter 12 - Exponents and Powers. Chapter 13 - Direct and Inverse Proportions. Chapter 14 - Factorisation. Chapter 15 - Introduction to Graphs.

Chapter 16 - Playing with numbers. The chapter Rational Numbers is part of the syllabus for SA-I examinations which is for a total of 40 marks. The weightage of this chapter in the examination is 6 marks and a total of three questions are asked from this chapter- one very short answer type question, one short answer type question and one long answer type question.

The subtopics that are covered in the detail in the chapter are:. Properties of Rational Numbers. Representation of rational numbers on the Number Line. Rational number between two rational numbers. Simply rational numbers can be defined as fractions that can be represented on the number line. Let us look at the concepts that govern rational numbers. The properties we are going to discuss are basic mathematical properties that are applicable on integers as well.

Let us discuss the properties one by one:. Closure Property. The result of addition, multiplication and subtraction between any two rational numbers is also a rational number. This property is true for all mathematical properties except division because division by 0 is not defined.

So divisions other than 0 are included in the closure property. Commutative property. The commutative property is true only for addition and multiplication of rational numbers. For any two rational numbers:.

Associative Property. Rational numbers follow the property of association only for addition and multiplication.

Let a, b and c be three rational numbers:. Distributive Property. This chapter will help you develop basic knowledge on how to handle the data and arrange it systematic order so that meaningful results can be interpreted.

This is done to induce clear knowledge of the data and to diagrammatically represent it in the form of a bar graph, pie chart, double bar graph, etc. This chapter offers a plan to discuss the various roots of a number. Suppose a number A is represented because the square of other number say B, then B here, is the square root of A. The number is said to be an excellent square when the roots of a number are also a number. This strategy of finding roots is very useful in higher standards.

There are numerous ways through which you can seek out Byjus Class 7 Maths Chapter 3 Sub the cubes and cube roots of a number. But in this chapter, you will learn about these cubes by adding consecutive odd number pattern. When you compare quantities, you need to have an increase or decrease of percentage, sales value, market value, discount, and the discounted value of the product to check whether you have made profit or loss.

This chapter further dwells into extra expenses that are incurred like excise tax, acquisition of piece, whether interest is compounded yearly, half-yearly, or quarterly, etc.

This chapter explains the mathematics expressions and identities along with their implementation. It also explains the terms area unit that is used additionally to express pure mathematics expressions and how these terms are shaped based on different products.

This chapter further dwells into binomials, monomials, trinomials, and much more based on the number of terms. It also explains the multiplication of polynomials by polynomials and the addition of mathematical expression. In this chapter, you will study the solid objects that have height, length, and breadth and thus they are referred to as 3D objects. Along with you will also learn about the edges, faces, and vertices about some solid figures like triangular pyramids, cuboids, square base, and triangular prisms, etc.

This chapter will deal with issues related to areas and perimeter of closed figures. Along with this, you will study the volume of solid figures like a cylinder, cube, cuboid, and so on. You will also get to know how to transform the quantity into various units. The questions in this chapter will give you details on inverse and direct proportions.

This inverse and direct proportions are identified based on the relative decrease or increase of one quantity with respect to other quantities. The questions in this chapter will be from daily life and interesting. This chapter is based on the factorization of algebraic expressions and natural numbers. This can is either algebraic values, numbers, or expressions. Furthermore, you will learn about the factorization method used for common factors, by using identities, factors, and regrouping terms.

You will also learn division of one polynomial by other, monomial by monomial or polynomial, and finding an error in algebraic equations. In this chapter you understand the purpose and importance of graphs, to show the numerical facts in visual forms so that everyone is able to understand the concept very easily. You will also study about quantity and cost, simple and principal interest, time and distance, on graphs with the use of independent and dependent variables.

In this chapter, you will deal with numbers in a general form. There are also puzzles and games in this chapter related to numbers. There are also divisibility tests along with questions based on them. It is important to prepare for the entrance exam along with the school exams. We will also keep content related to other Byjus Class 10 Maths Chapter 1 Raw subjects updated on our website so that you can find everything in one place. Try covering all the topics so that you will not have any difficulty during the time of Byjus Maths Class 8 Chapter 9 Raw the exam.

Practice as many times as possible and revise the concepts thoroughly. Go through the topics listed under parent topics as per your choice and prepare well for the exam. You can score better grades in the exam with the ultimate preparation tools. RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions.

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