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Visit to Discussion Forum to ask your doubts and answer the questions asked by other users. For an hour the hail rained on the house, the garden, the hillside, the cornfield, on ncert class 10th english first flight solutions uk whole valley. The field was white, as if covered with salt. Questions: 1. How was it getting bad? What does salt refer to? What is a hailstorm? Why did the speaker need money? But when he solutionz it, it was evident that to answer it he needed something more than goodwill, ink and paper.

Why did the postmaster decided to answer the letter? How did postmaster arrange money? Ncert class 10th english first flight solutions uk Passage I � Wolutions 1. Very large hailstones began to fall along with the rain. Comprehension Passage II � Answers 1. He wrote a letter to God.

A hailstorm includes heavy rain along with the hailstones. The speaker needs money to save his family from hunger. The postmaster collected money ik his employees, friends and from his salary. You can download these fidst for offline or use Class 10 English Offline app.

Lencho claes for a good rain as it was much needed for a good harvest. Lencho compared the raindrops with new coins because they were promising him a good harvest resulting in more prosperity. How did the rain change? The rain changed into dlight. As a strong wind began to blow and huge hailstones began to fall along with the rain.

The hailstorm did not pass quickly and field was white, like it was covered with salt. He was filled with grief and sorrow after the hail stopped because everything was ruined and there was nothing that he could feed his family.

He could see a bleak future for the family. Who or clasw did Lencho have 1t0h in? What did he do? Lencho had strong faith in God. He wrote a letter to God requesting him for help.

He demanded a hundred pesos to ku his field again and live until crops come, or else his family would go hungry. Who read the letter? Postman saw the letter and went to his boss. Never in his career, Postman had seen a letter addressed to God. So, Postmaster read the letter. What did the postmaster do ncert class 10th english first flight solutions uk reading the letter? He also had that much faith in God and came up with the idea of answering the letter.

So, he decided to collect money from all possible sources and send it to Lencho on behalf of God. Was Lencho surprised to find a letter for him with money in it? Lencho was not surprised at all to find a letter with money from God. He had full confidence and was sure that God will help.

What made Lencho angry? Lencho became angry when firrst counted the money. There were only seventy pesos in the envelope whereas Lencho had demanded a hundred pesos.

The difference in the amount made ncert class 10th english first flight solutions uk angry. He thought that the men englsih the post office had stolen his that money. Why does the postmaster send money to Lencho? At first the postmaster found it funny to read clasa letter that was addressed to God. Soltuions eventually he was completely moved by it. He decided to send money to Lencho in name of God.

Did Lencho try to find out who had sent the money to him? Lencho did not try to find out who had sent the money to him because he had complete faith in God and never suspected his presence. He could not believe that it could be anybody else other than God who would send him the money.

His faith in God was so strong that he believed that God had sent money to him for his help in his problem. Chapter 2. Nelson Mandela:Long Walk to Freedom �.

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